back in black

mufflover's Avatar
From the 1st to every time since I see the Back in Black visa commercial I think 'Hot Damn'!!

then I think I recognize the gal...sure looks like Amy Taylor....

then comes the tag line, A L Taylor....

a few searches comes up with nothing, and really I can't believe it. Pretty ballsy marketing if they intend to draw that link.

1) You all like the commercial?
2) who is that gal, and is she available!!!!


WOW, that really does look like her. I wonder if it is just a coincidence...
Amy Taylor? She's over 40 by now....last I knew she was a bit wrinkled and added a few pounds in the caboose......Amy has a PhD and I'm sure she's doing some high caliber work
mufflover's Avatar
We all are forever young in hobbyland and the internet!!! Anyhow, that ad really gets my attention, though the visa black card is not on my radar.
We all are forever young in hobbyland and the internet!!! Anyhow, that ad really gets my attention, though the visa black card is not on my radar. Originally Posted by mufflover

Yep, on the internet we're all as old as we say we are! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! And as educated! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!