Sexual Physics

Maybe it was my last glass of wine.
Maybe it is my affinity for all things scientific (or all things that sound scientific ).
Or maybe it's just my sense of humor.
I dunno. But I found this site HILARIOUS! Maybe someone else will, too.
In the morning I may recant and insist it was the varietal!
Happy Diver's Avatar
It wasn't the Zinfandel, it really is funny. "Ejaculation at the speed of light" made me spill my morning coffee. LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-04-2011, 08:12 AM
Maybe it was my last glass of wine.
Maybe it is my affinity for all things scientific (or all things that sound scientific ).
Or maybe it's just my sense of humor.
I dunno. But I found this site HILARIOUS! Maybe someone else will, too.
In the morning I may recant and insist it was the varietal! Originally Posted by Payton
You should post more at the speed of light and recant less Payton!

Where is that sexy avatar btw? .....i think i had a speed of light ejaculation to it a time or three
Oh yeah, the avatar issue. Thank you for reminding me! I forgot that I had changed it light years ago when I was trying to figure out how to animate an avatar for Ansley ... then I forgot to change it back. Damnit Jim. As an adept poster I, unfortunately, couldn't find my original avatar after I saw the penguins.

I think this is my 2nd "thread" and am happy that there are at least 2 people who share my sense of humor!

I'm off to unravel the mystery of my missing avatar!
I just read the wormhole-masturbation one..




I'm sober and that was hilarious!

Of course when I think of sexual physics, I'm imagining someone hung like a pony and where the hell he thinks that thing is going to fit in my 59.5" self.
10" = 1/6th of my total height. In fact, since I'm .5" shy of 5'.. six 10" penises... penii.. pe--- six 10" dicks would actually be taller than me.
Of course when I think of sexual physics, I'm imagining someone hung like a pony and where the hell he thinks that thing is going to fit in my 59.5" self. 10" = 1/6th of my total height. In fact, since I'm .5" shy of 5'.. six 10" penises... penii.. pe--- six 10" dicks would actually be taller than me. FML Originally Posted by lilred_robin
Would 5" work for ya?
^_^ yes, yes it would.
Well you ARE the perfect height for me, too! =8^O