Associated Press Feels the Wrath of the Orwellian Police State Government it Helped Put into Power

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And you clowns think the government is on YOUR side? This is how the government treats its allies. You need to wake up. The police state is not good for you, either, no matter how obedient you are.

From the article:

No probable cause was given to anyone, and hundreds of AP reporters were simply deemed guilty by the government as their phone call records were confiscated without explanation.

Politico is now reporting:

The behind-the-scenes anger — and heads-down determination of the AP staff members to keep doing their jobs amid the extraordinary public flap — comes as top executives from the wire service have mounted an aggressive public pushback against DOJ, calling its snooping a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” in a letter fired off to Attorney General Eric Holder. And yet something of a bunkerlike atmosphere has taken hold at the AP in Washington with no bureau-wide meetings or announcements about the DOJ’s action, AP sources told POLITICO.

But what’s not being reported is that the Associated Press helped create the very police state it now condemns for violating its freedoms and privacy.

Want more? Here it is:

Didn't a few months ago the White House leak "secret" documents to MSNBC to boisterous applause from the Demomedia?

What did the AP do to piss off BHO?

Obama drew a red line on Syria, sent reports that Syrians used Chemical Weapons FROM the White House to the AP and then did the AP dare to mention to the Annointed One that he drew a red line? Then asked what his that response would be?

Nothing to see here. But Audacity.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
It's an undefendable act, but I'm sure someone here will give it a shot.
Who's it going to be?

Its pretty fucking bad when you even have Charlie Rangel telling Obama to come clean
“I don’t think anyone truly believes that the president has given us a sufficient answer for America, much less the press,”
And even the Democrat hack John Conyers saying
Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., said he was "troubled by the notion that our government would pursue a broad array of phone records over a period of time." But like Sensenbrenner, he was unable to pull any new information about the AP case from Holder.
Heck none of the libtards have even attempted a post on the "Obama's Second Term Successes" thread they are so busy with fake damage control.

If BHO has lost the media and the Black Congressional Caucus, he's lost America.
I support the DOJ investigating national security leaks; but the breath and scope of the DOJ intrusion into the AP seems to be aimed at intimidating government (Obama) Whistleblowers; not getting at national security leaks.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-16-2013, 07:29 AM
First you had leaks that were helpful to the admin. (Terrorist plot stopped)

The GOP cried bloody murder..."Stop the leaks!"

The admin went after the leaker, they said it compromised a double agent.

Now you have the GOP crying about how far the admin went to stop leaks the GOP was crying about.

Those are the facts folks.

You may not like them, you may try and spin them but that is what they are.

Now you have Chuck Shumer trying to pass a bill putting up a bigger firewall between the government and the press. Let us see how much GOP support it gets.
LovingKayla's Avatar
My conspiracy brain takes over here and says... somethings not right here but I think it's different than what we are seeing. If we are seeing this kind of corruption in the open, can you imagine what's REALLY going on? I mean how in the hell did the IRS just admit to this crap? This government hasn't admitted to ANYTHING we've CAUGHT them doing. Why now? Why the IRS? What the fuck.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-16-2013, 09:09 AM
I agree! I mean the bastard won't even admit he wasn't born here!