Sex-bots and the hobby

Here's a topic less likely to generate as much heat as the last one I started... sex-bots. There are some entrepreneurs working furiously to develop very lifelike android women with sophisticated AI that they hope eventually will make them nearly indistinguishable from humans. The materials science around making android bodies that feel a lot like human flesh is also developing fast. Most here have heard of the RealDoll which is billed as the most lifelike sex doll on the market. If it sells for $6000 and keeps selling as it does, it must at least be one damn good sex doll.

Male sex dolls and sex-bots are also envisioned but most entrepreneurs if not all think the biggest market is in female models. Suppose that's not a big surprise but you know, the market can surprise you. So we'll see.

Self-driving cars, it used to be said, were way off, possibly not until 2050. In retrospect, that seems like a ludicrous estimate, given how fast we're approaching the day that these kinds of cars will be sold en masse. Maybe 2025, 2030 latest.

So my question for you all is this: how far are we away from an AI-enabled sex-bot that is good enough that it can actually compete with the experience of having sex with an actual person? If so, how does it affect hobbying and providers? The cost of such an android would be very high for the foreseeable future, maybe $1 million a copy. In time the prices will drop but probably not before most of us are dead. Do you see a market for android prostitutes? How low would the fee have to be before a man would choose to bang an android vs. an actual woman? As market competition increases and human prostitutes have to start lowering their prices to compete, at what point are humans essentially competed out of the fee-for-sex market?

Just wondering.
If you'll be dead why do you care unless you think they will put your daughter or granddaughter out of a possible profession.
If you'll be dead why do you care unless you think they will put your daughter or granddaughter out of a possible profession. Originally Posted by xcobrax
Hmmm... tbh I'm fine w/ the idea of my female (or male for that matter) descendents becoming prostitutes, so long as they do so bc they WANT to and enjoy having lots of sex partners. I'd hate to see them do it to, for example, finance a drug addiction or for any other "negative motivation". If I were gay or female, I know I'd be a prostitute myself. And I hardly think it's right to apply a dbl-std to the issue. If after all I hire prostitutes myself, it'd be quite hypocritical of me to think my own descendents shouldn't be prostitutes. Besides, the entire heterosexual paradigm not just for humans but most other mammals as well as non-mammals is essentially prostitutorial. Females expect males to provide for them in some way in exchange for sex. Yes, females want and enjoy sex, generally, a lot. But for them it also comes w/ strings. In the case of the hobby it's simply a payment of some amount. In so-called conventional rel'ps it's a more or less ongoing arrangement that under law is independent of this dynamic but in fact is still very much subject to it. Most women are not drawn to men nor stay w/ them if they cannot in some way improve their material condition. I don't blame or resent women for this. Others may but not me. They are simply behaving the way evolutionary forces have programmed them to, just as these forces have programmed men to comply with it. Nature is ruthless. Moral justice is not one of her priorities. Keeping the babies coming is her priority and doing anything that enhances their survival chances. Like it or not, prostitution in all its many forms does that.
bamscram's Avatar
Cherry 2000.
Yo, here's the thing, dawg. If android prostitutes became as life-like as you've described, how could you tell the difference between an android and a real person? How do you know there aren't android prostitutes posing as human prostitutes right now? What if human-like extraterrestrial beings visited earth and they also had alien prostitutes?

How do you know you're not an android? Have you had kids, surgery or something that would be a good indicator?
pyramider's Avatar
Answer: You would be pining over a sex bot that ignores you, like real women do.
Says the guy who pays for sex
Contralto's Avatar
Says the guy who pays for sex Originally Posted by yitzchak
Says the lady who pretends to be a guy who wants to pay for sex but can't even get a hooker to sleep with him.
Yea, yea. Still, it's not like I'm speaking with the aristocracy over here.
Yo, here's the thing, dawg. If android prostitutes became as life-like as you've described, how could you tell the difference between an android and a real person? How do you know there aren't android prostitutes posing as human prostitutes right now? What if human-like extraterrestrial beings visited earth and they also had alien prostitutes?

How do you know you're not an android? Have you had kids, surgery or something that would be a good indicator? Originally Posted by yitzchak
Now that was actually funny. You should drop the whole other line of bullshit and write new material.
Yo, here's the thing, dawg. If android prostitutes became as life-like as you've described, how could you tell the difference between an android and a real person? How do you know there aren't android prostitutes posing as human prostitutes right now? What if human-like extraterrestrial beings visited earth and they also had alien prostitutes?

How do you know you're not an android? Have you had kids, surgery or something that would be a good indicator? Originally Posted by yitzchak
Whoa... I like where this is going. I am a total existentialist so this shit makes my pecker hard. Ok brother, let's do this. How do we know this isn't a simulation? What if those Simulation Hypothesis freaks are right? How do I know I am not the only mind in existence and dreamt all this shit up to keep me entertained??

Holy shit, I've TRIGGERED myself!! I've set myself off! I'm totally fucked up now! I am going to go crawl under my bed now and hide there with my cats! Arggghh!!

'He hit the market in 2015 – along with two other male dolls, Akira and William – and they’re now selling out as quickly as their female counterparts, which Sinthetics launched in 2010.

Although there aren’t exact details on how many male dolls have been sold, Sinthetics says it has months’ worth of back orders.

And the expensive price tag doesn’t even include the additional cost of custom requests, such as freckles starting at £40, tan lines from £200 or tattoos from £120.

As futuristic as this all sounds, these lifelike dolls are only the beginning; the prototype for more lifelike sexbots set to revolutionise our lives forever.'
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't think those things are a good idea. creates more problems than it helps.
pyramider's Avatar
But you could drive in the carpool lane ...
down4fun's Avatar
$6000 = 30 incalls down here ; )