Bad provider list

Has there ever been thread listing providers that a client would never see again?
Hmmm... I haven't seen one, but then I have only been around here a couple years. I would say thats what the reviews are for, but I suspect you are hoping to find something a bit more streamlined. The problems with that concept (and they would be the same in reverse... for bad clients) is 1. Its very subjective. There could be bad blood between two people aside from actual hobby experiences and a thread like that could be used as a tool for revenge. The same holds true for reviews, but the reviews (I think) are easier for the moderators to keep in check. 2. A lady (or gent) could change their name and profile to get around it and it would actually make screening more difficult for everyone.
In all, I think a public thread like that would be a giant catfight waiting to happen. Have you checked the men only area? That might be the better route...
pyramider's Avatar
I do not care ... unless my provider handle is mentioned.
I can see it would be abused by some in the hobby. I am curious if the number assigned to every provider will remain the same if she changes names.
pyramider's Avatar
Probably would be a problem lincking handles.
Never work, each provider thinks her genitalia is greater than the next lady. Most men here write wonderful reviews, I would venture to say most just want the last to like him, so would never list on "bad provider list." Reviews I have read often sound like it was best sexual experience ever. If that were true, these sad guys have never had great sex uet. Sex without a condom is a hindred times better than safe sex. I am not saying uncovered with a provider is acceptable, I always use protection. But sex with civilian ladies where trust and uncovered play happens is the greatest sex. So, if we were to be truthful, the sex is not the greatest, but that being said some providers are better than others. Some are very mechanical, "let's get this over with" and others actually engage in foreplay and arousal and talk on a better level. I like the idea, just do not think it would work. If list came out, I would be brave enough to list some names.

But then, some providers are strictly CBJ which already means I would never see her.
It just won't work. Everybody is different and everybody is YMMV. If you started a thread/list for "Bad Providers" and "Good Providers" - You would eventually have the same list after the retaliatory posts and the White Knights get through with it.

We actually DO have a list of "Bad Providers and Good Providers". It is called ECCIE!!
Ed you are correct I must have been thinking out of my ass to start this. It all started because looking through the alerts section and it does not separate the providers by name. I can't go to alerts and find out if she has several alerts or just one client that was unhappy.
joesmo888's Avatar
isn't that what reviews and ROS are for?