Defective Service

This thread was prompted by the "tips" thread. "Tips" are given for superior service; not expected but appreciated.

Ladies, if you provide a sub-par session, will you discount your rate or give the client some other benefit to make up for the sub-par session?
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Never would happen.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-06-2011, 07:01 PM
Why do folks always underestimate that there are a lot of good people in this business?

Yes, it does happen.
London Rayne's Avatar
This thread was prompted by the "tips" thread. "Tips" are given for superior service; not expected but appreciated.

Ladies, if you provide a sub-par session, will you discount your rate or give the client some other benefit to make up for the sub-par session? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Yes, actually I will or just not see him at all if I can't deliver. I also give a discount if I cancel for ANY reason including an emergency. I don't expect tips period.

I mean it would be great if EVERY client tossed a girl with a low rate already a 20 and she might have an extra hundred at the end of the week, but whatever. She can just raise her rates and guys can b*tch about that lol.
Never would happen. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
What? The sub-par service or the discount/benefit?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why do folks always underestimate that there are a lot of good people in this business?

Yes, it does happen. Originally Posted by Old-T
Depending on the situation, I will say yes.
Has it ever happened with me? No.
London Rayne's Avatar
I think if a girl kicks you out before time is up for something that is NOT your fault, you should get something back. If you show up without washing your azz and she takes your money...oh freaking well!
CarolinaGent's Avatar
It's different if an emergency comes up but he said sub par service. 99.99% of the time I would say no way in hell you are getting a refund. Most of the time they just want their money. Some on this board might consider it, but they are the exception, not the norm.
Why bothering going thru a session if you are going to half ass it, no need wasting his time and his money. I would not see anybody if I thought that I would not be able to provide a good time.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I have had to return money 2 times in the almost almost 5 years I have been doing this.

1 time, out of nowhere about 30 minutes into the session, I got a massive headache and had to stop and returned the money to the client.

Thankfully he was very kind and even tried to give me the money back. I asked him to please keep it and just re-book if he would like to see me again and that is exactly what he did a few weeks later.

The 2ed time we were in the middle of the act and my mom kept calling me (I have her number saved to a special ring tone). She was calling back-to-back because she had a flat tire and was alone, stuck onside of the freeway.

I explained to the client what was happening and gave him his money back. Just like the other guy he tried to insist that I keep the money but I told him I would rather he keep it and just re-book with me when he can.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-06-2011, 07:30 PM
Depending on the situation, I will say yes.
Has it ever happened with me? No. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
I would guess it is an uncommon occurrence. When it happened to me I was with a lady I had seen a number of times. I thought the evening went well, but not as good as some other evenings. I thought little of it, it was well within the normal fluctuations of interpersonal interactions.

But at the end of the evening she said she couldn't accept anything because she had been preoccupied while we were together. I knew she was stretched a little to thin and kind of insisted she take it. She took it, and then said the next visit was half-off.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Old-T, Of course love I agree.

To all others: I don't give sub par sessions. If I'm not feeling too hot, I will stay at home.
Ladies , you know things come up. What if all the sudden you felt a little sick or
aunt flow decided to come a little early and money had already exchanged hands???
Think about it. In that case, I will give him most of the money back depending on what he wanted. Things come up!
burkalini's Avatar
I think if a girl kicks you out before time is up for something that is NOT your fault, you should get something back. If you show up without washing your azz and she takes your money...oh freaking well! Originally Posted by London Rayne

No wonder I was only taking 5 minutes in an hour appt and I never got any money back. lol
  • Sami
  • 12-06-2011, 09:58 PM
I wouldn't do a session if I wasn't up to par, I would offer to find him someone, so he wouldn't have blue balls. We know that you guys don't function well like that:0 If he insisted on me then we would reschedule. I would give him more time or discount which ever he chose.