
shorty's Avatar
Since this is the week for guys starting threads about the ladies tummy, defective service, specials, might as well start one on photoshopping. What are your thoughts on photoshopping? Can a lady have too much photoshopping, to where she is falsely represented by her picture?
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Photoshop: the reality television of photography
CarolinaGent's Avatar
In my opinion, using too much photoshop might as well be using someone elses pics. If it isn't a fair representation of what she looks like, then what's the point.
I would never photoshop ever....i love the way i am...makes people look fake...thats what i think....
Since this is the week for guys starting threads about the ladies tummy, defective service, specials, might as well start one on photoshopping. What are your thoughts on photoshopping? Can a lady have too much photoshopping, to where she is falsely represented by her picture? Originally Posted by shorty
Iaintliein's Avatar
Some post processing is almost always needed; white balance, dodging and burning etc. Mostly I work on backgrounds; smooth 'em, clean 'em, replace 'em, sometimes create 'em.

"Photoshopping" does not, de-facto, made the photos less representative of the subject. The human eye and the camera see things very differently, so a little reconciliation is good. I don't think the ladies who only use noisy, under exposed, dingy photos really look like that in real life.

The very best way to ask the question is: Are the photos a good representation?

In fact, I'm up waaay past my bedtime playing with some shots I did of the lovely ExoticBabyGirl this evening. I don't think she'll mind my sharing this one. I enlarged the rug and created an alternate background by combining several other photos and textures to make it a little more interesting, just for fun.

This one I worked up as a possible Avatar, the "reflection" is pure Photoshop. The soft appearance was done the old fashioned way, with a Softar filter on the lens.

I don't think either of these is a mis-representation of this lovely young sprite. But the shots on her showcase till now are, because you simply can't see her very well in them.

Just my opinion, of course.

One(Make that Two) last example(s), then I'm off to bed.

I love black and white, and use photoshop rather than in-camera to create them. Obviously, a monochromatic image is not real life, but, I think sometimes the color distracts from the form and details. I had to dodge her quiet a bit because of my poor lighting technique, in the RAW image her face was not even visible.

I forgot to mention cropping! This is probably the number one way photoshop can really help an image. This is a tight crop from a full length nude (not that the rest needed any help), I just loved the expression on her face in this one. Some noise reduction is usually necessary at such tight crops.

Night, night!

In my opinion, using too much photoshop might as well be using someone elses pics. If it isn't a fair representation of what she looks like, then what's the point. Originally Posted by CarolinaGent
It's not so much photoshop but airbrush that is a misrepresentation. Especially when you can tell that a photo has been airbrushed.
I LOVE the black and white pic....nice work!
Iaintliein's Avatar
I LOVE the black and white pic....nice work! Originally Posted by alaine
Thank you, but credit where due, she is what makes the shot, simply lovely.
It's cool, as long as I can photoshop my wallet...
The answer to this question is quite simple. When she opens the door, or starts to strip, and you say to yourself, "am I at the wrong address?", then yes, the PhotoShopping was too much.

One of these days these Ladies will get it. But right now, the prevailing attitude seems to be the same as it is in the Car Selling Business. You can't sell anything unless you first get them in the door.

If you do not think this is true, just go to the Profiles and take a look. I would bet 90 percent are PhotoShopped, or airbrushed, too much.
My policy is if you feel you have to alter the picure besides blurring and cropping ypu shouldn't use the picture at all.
  • LynnT
  • 12-07-2011, 10:41 AM
There is good and bad "airbrushing"..

Do you think if I took one of Skylar's pics and put my head on anyone would notice? hahahahaha
There is good and bad "airbrushing"..

Do you think if I took one of Skylar's pics and put my head on anyone would notice? hahahahaha Originally Posted by LynnT
Get a Really good tan and it will be flawless lol
  • LynnT
  • 12-07-2011, 11:19 AM
Get a Really good tan and it will be flawless lol Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Right, I better bust out my sunless tanning lotion! hahahaha

I can call myself an exotic new breed. The photoshop breed.
Iaintliein's Avatar
At the end of the day, if the reviewers write that she either "looks just like her pictures" or "her pictures don't do her justice", chances are you won't be disappointed.

I've always told ladies here that the best bet is to have a variety of photos taken by a variety of people so that more people will find something they like in the showcase.

No matter how they're done, photos are still a subjective attempt at representing the objective. At least this thread isn't as heated as the photo threads usually get, people tend to have very strong opinions and paint with very broad brushes I've noticed.