The "Race Factor" from a Provider's perspective

I posted a thread on another board asking experienced providers/hobbyists for advice/suggestions as far as my website and advertising were concerned. In return, I got a LOT of helpful advice and feedback that has definitely made a difference. But, what really surprised me was the fact that quite a few dicks (and NOT the good kind), had the nerve to openly say that I was too high priced for a BLACK GIRL... Now, what the HELL does race have to do with my rate structure? If you don't see black girls because of WHATEVER your personal preference, that's one thing. But, to openly express that you think I'm too high priced for a BLACK GIRL... IMHO, that is a CLEAR example of racism in it's purest, lowest form.

Another concern of mine (sorry I tend to be a bit long winded when I DO post, lol) is the fact that some gentlemen have expressed that the reason they don't see black providers because they tend to be "ghetto" and aren't good public companions. Is it really fair to categorize ALL AA providers?
gimme_that's Avatar
Cool another NBA thread.......

Since the stickys closed I guess we can work with this for
Soonerman12's Avatar
Cool another NBA thread.......

Since the stickys closed I guess we can work with this for Originally Posted by gimme_that

There is already another one on the Dallas board. They are starting to pop up again.
Soonerman12's Avatar
I posted a thread on another board asking experienced providers/hobbyists for advice/suggestions as far as my website and advertising were concerned. In return, I got a LOT of helpful advice and feedback that has definitely made a difference. But, what really surprised me was the fact that quite a few dicks (and NOT the good kind), had the nerve to openly say that I was too high priced for a BLACK GIRL... Now, what the HELL does race have to do with my rate structure? If you don't see black girls because of WHATEVER your personal preference, that's one thing. But, to openly express that you think I'm too high priced for a BLACK GIRL... IMHO, that is a CLEAR example of racism in it's purest, lowest form.

Another concern of mine (sorry I tend to be a bit long winded when I DO post, lol) is the fact that some gentlemen have expressed that the reason they don't see black providers because they tend to be "ghetto" and aren't good public companions. Is it really fair to categorize ALL AA providers? Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Lovelyelle, I've heard from black providers that it is very difficult to get the rates that white providers get, and that many agencies won't even hire an African-American provider because they don't bring in the rates of other races.

Truth be told, I think that it is wrong.. But where I personally see African-American providers make mistakes is that they don't properly market to the black gentlemen who have money to spend.

It's unfortunate because that could drive up rates and business significantly. I love black women, and I will go through a lot of hassles to be able to see them. But not every man wants to go through all that. For example, I don't like having an African-American provider not dress up and not put on makeup because she knows that I'm a black client (that recently happened). I want her to treat me like she is 100% dedicated to me in a provider-client relationship. I don't want her to see me in her apartment with kids in the other room (happened to me about 10 months ago). I want to be treated the same way that the other races are treated when they have money. And Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen making many black men hesitant to see black providers.

I'd recommend that many of our African-American providers study the highly successful providers of other races and watch what they do. Some of these women have got the 'experience' factor down to a tee.. It would do a lot generate business from a pool of men that are often overlooked.
Cool another NBA thread.......

Since the stickys closed I guess we can work with this for Originally Posted by gimme_that

I know huh? I've heard that before too but never had a problem getting the rate that I set.... personal opinion or a ploy to get you to lower your rates.. it's still BS
Naomi4u's Avatar
This has already been posted before.

Here is the thread started a while ago:

As a black provider I am not threatned by caucasian women. I am also not threatned by other ebony ladies in the business. At the end of the day, we are all unique and have something different to offer. The bs about agencies not wanting to hire black provdiers is tired. We've all heard it. Every single agency I applied to wanted to hire me but one not because they thought I was unattractive but for the simple fact that I was black. The agency owner's response was "You're very pretty but we don't get a lot of calls for black girls. I can try to advertise you and see what happens". I didn't have time for that - so I moved on. I also wasn't upset. This business is about preferences. I understand that and ALL providers should understand that.

It comes down to this -- some ebony ladies are simply not attractive , they do not know how to take care of themselves and can't speak proper english. And it also seems that there are more ebony ladies running scams on backpage than Caucasian ladies. From California to Manhattan, NY - They have given "us" a very bad name. The gentleman that owns a fortune 500 company that wants to book a companion for an all day date doesn't want to spend time with someone that he cannot understand. He wants to be able to understand what is coming out of your mouth and he wants you to look good and dress like a normal person in public. I have met a few ebony ladies that do not know how to do this. And yes I have also met ghetto white providers and they are the WORST but of course they do not get singled out because there are more Caucasian ladies in the business than there are blacks.

Ladies like that make it easier for ladies like Lisa, Luxury Daphne, Myself, Alicia Kerrington, Sofia Kemp, Tiffany J, Katie Kuada, Mylan Larue, Jaleh .. to be successful in this business because we're seen as "rare". A little effed up maybe but it's the truth. 95% of my clients are white and they're professionals/successful business men. They worship us. I have also heard of guys that will not date a ebony woman. So what? Again this business is about preferences. The day I see my business taking a hit is the day I will worry about it. I've done surveys, polls and researched up and down on this subject to find that those men are a very small group. So what do I do to fight the stereotype? I speak very good english and fluent in multiple language. I do not smoke, use drugs or do anything that of that nature. I take care of myself and look good for my clients ALL the time. My incall at the minimum is a 4 star hotel (at the minimum) nope never at a motel six, kew motors inn, days inn, hampton inn - nope never ever. I am consistent. I am 100% honest about my looks, services..etc. My rates are always grandfathered for clients. I do not upsell. I do not bs. It's all a straight forward service.
As an ebony provider, I understand we have to work three times harder than Caucasians. Now if ALL ebony providers understood that, they could charge as much money as they wanted. There are a lot of high end ebony providers but to be on that level one must act, look and be the part. Saying men aren't willing to pay top dollar for a black provider is bs. I and others that charge three times more than I do have proved that theory wrong again.... and again. Everyone provider both white and black CANNOT command a high rate. That is just fact. It has nothing to do with race but the individual/the product you are selling.

Unfortunately, for almost every ebony provider I have met personally they say the same thing. A lot of them don't even tour here anymore because there's just no market or they end up undercutting and selling themselves short.
For many though, it's not about attitude or anything it's just an attraction thing. There's a lot of stupid/ghetto white girls and guys will still see them cause they're "hot". Fortunately, not all men are that shallow when it comes to black women. But for someone to say that you're charging too much for "a black girl" is so rude and ignorant. It's one thing to state your preference but it's another to be insulting. I hope you don't even dignify those with a response.
This is NOT the same as the NBA thread, to start with.

I've experienced the same trouble as you having had someone actually tell me to my face that I would NOT make money because of the fact that I was a dark skinned african american woman. I agree with what Na.. err Zarah said. It's about creating a niche for yourself. There are plenty of gentlemen who LOVE black women, the thing you have to do is find the and appeal to them. You have to embody an upscale escort, not just say you are one. This is shown by your website, your photos, your incall and most importantly your behavior! Z had it right, we have to work 3 times harder!

Soonerman mentioned marketing to the affluent AA gentlemen, but I doubt there's a difference in marketing to the affluent in regards to race. I'm not sure why you're having such bad luck Soonerman, but kids in te next room? That sucks!! would've left!

Perfect example as to why we have to BE better than what's expected. There are countless black women out there who do fill the stereotype of being uneducated criminals, so the stigma is there. It's our duty (by our I mean every black provider who does NOT fit the stigma) to show that it is not true. Best of luck to you!
London Rayne's Avatar
It's not "just" your race either honey. Stupid men will also say that about a woman above a certain age and if they know how to make money as a hooker lol.

Not every guy is looking for a plastic, wannabe Barbie who tries too hard to look like the next girl...just sayin.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I really enjoy the company of ebony ladies. BCD, overnights, out on the town. Articulate, pleasant, attractive ladies are a joy to spend time with. I especially like the way we look together in bed. Something about my white skin against her dark skin is very sensual to me. Taking a black beauty out, holding hands, visiting. Wow, I luv it.

"Too expensive for a BLACK girl?" I agree - that is blatant racism. What is sad is the SOB who asked the question was too stupid to realize it...

To put things in perspective, I grew up in the south and graduated from a segregated high school... but that was 50 years ago. I had several black friends growing up and always wondered why they went to different schools... Duuuuh.

Move forward to 2011. I have enjoyed the company of one AA provider, and seek additional oppotunities as I travel the southwest. It never crossed my mind that an AA lady is "worth" less than a Caucasion, Hispanic, Asian or whatever. I just don't get that concept.

As for the "ghetto" inference, I can tell you from my life experiences, "ghetto" is not race or ethnic-specific. "Ghetto" types come in all shades...


Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes. Have you ever seen a ghetto white girl?? That is some SCARY stuff!!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2011, 10:28 AM
I can't argue with anything said here.

There is NO excuse for the cost of a lady's time to be tied to her race. As with any other pricing factor, if it's more than a guy wants to pay for a specific lady, then just move on. As the active thread about the sexiest women shows, beauty is very much a personal choice.

I do most my dating in DC, and there it is very clear that the pricing structure is much more about personality, class, sensuality, and marketing than about race. There are a flood of BP type ads from black women (or more likely from their pimps) that are just plain scary. There are a lot of BP type ads from white women (or more likely their pimps) that are just plain scary. But then there are some awsomly attractive ladies of every race and color as well. Anyone who has had the good fortune to meet Jayla or Vanica or others knows that the idiot who was quoted in the OP doesn't know what he is saying.

I'm curious how prominent Rambo will be on this side of the discussion?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2011, 10:31 AM
Yes. Have you ever seen a ghetto white girl?? That is some SCARY stuff!!! Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
You mean like the ad I saw recently that showed a very unattractive white woman with the too common mirror shot. And in the miror you can see the "boy friend" comlete with bottle of booze and a gun. I'm sure THAT ad got lots of good replies.

Zarah, scary is too soft a description.

"Too expensive for a BLACK girl?" I agree - that is blatant racism. What is sad is the SOB who asked the question was too stupid to realize it...

To put things in perspective, I grew up in the south and graduated from a segregated high school... but that was 50 years ago. I had several black friends growing up and always wondered why they went to different schools... Duuuuh.

Move forward to 2011. I have enjoyed the company of one AA provider, and seek additional oppotunities as I travel the southwest. It never crossed my mind that an AA lady is "worth" less than a Caucasion, Hispanic, Asian or whatever. I just don't get that concept.

As for the "ghetto" inference, I can tell you from my life experiences, "ghetto" is not race or ethnic-specific. "Ghetto" types come in all shades...


Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
I also grew up in the South. When I graduated in 2004, my school STILL banned biracial couples from walking together for homecoming court. I understand that racism is very alive. I guess I'm just surprised that it's so BLATANT in the hobby. I never had to deal with racism concerning clients before joining discussion boards and stepping into the hobby world online (I'm guessing now that these clients were probably carefully selected chocolate lovers). I mean, I literally felt like a slave standing on the bidding block to be sold to the highest bidder while reading some of the responses...