Records of clients

TravelinTony's Avatar
So here's what I was wondering: How providers keep records of their clients and what sort of stuff they include?

Excel spreadsheet on the hard drive?
Google docs in the cloud?

"Bad breath", "Big/Medium/Small", "Needs a shower", etc.?

(I understand, of course, that you may not wish to publicly answer, so just sign with an assumed name.)
There isn't really too much of a need to document my client's information into a hard drive on my computer. The same goes for him too. Much of my "documented" biography and information is on my website.

The only thing I document is the name, number, ECCIE/P411 Handle, and the feeling he gave me when we experienced each other (And usually its always a good experience).

I DO make a mental note of a man's character, personality, and respect for me. Now, I wouldn't document how big this man's penis size was, or if he smelled like a High School Gym locker. In those situations, you just remember to take a shower, wash his balls, or do some kegel exercises before the session starts, lol.

Its nothing serious that I would personally write down in Google Docs.
I'll second that. There's no need for that level of documentation. If there is ever an issue along those lines, a lady knows how to handle it.
wayen9696's Avatar
I would personally like for My Sweet Princess to keep some sort of record on me. There are a lot of things I PTMD about and I would want her to everything so in the event I'm lost behind closed dors she'll know exactly what to do. I only need one Sweet Princess and I would want her to know everything.

-- Just like that dog that finally caught the car he was chasing --
When you join her web site she has a list of some of her clients. Some keep a list on their phone but keep the phone locked. I don't know how far a locked phone will keep LE from opening it up. If I run for office I will worry but fat chance of that.
One of the best skills a provider can have is a great memory.
pyramider's Avatar
You are so wrong my little chickadee ... Taking care of one's is the best skill a provider can have.
One of the best skills a provider can have is a great memory. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Yes that's why you have to make sure to make it memorable for me
Excel then erased after printed. I do keep some details for providers that need a reference ...