Paid subscription expiration notice?
I'm a bit confused ...
I just received an email today informing me that:
"Your access to the subscription "Premium Access (Male Only)" is about to expire."
I'm not sure what this means, as I have submitted several recent reviews (one was just last week) which granted me plenty of weeks / months of premium access. Why was I sent this notice?
my take:
join date 1-4-10..
47 reviews.. times 6 (6 weeks access per approved review) = 282
5 years = 260 weeks.. forward to 1-4-2015..
282-260 = 22 (or about 5 months.. takes you to July, 2015)
and.. you should have been axed 4 months ago!
I must be missing something.. did you pay for access anytime?
Op is posting about 2 different things. Subject line says says paid access and body refers to free access. Think someone with that many reviews would better understand how the site works. Would take him 2 minutes to check his premium access himself without having to bother someone else to ask.
did you pay in the past? that may be what is expiring.
You should be good with the last review for at least 6 weeks.