I may have to turn in my man card, but...

Can anyone recommend a good place for a pedicure? Always wanted to try one.
Chung Tran's Avatar
several places in South Arlington, but I won't name any because your masculinity is more important than pretty feet..
Lol Chung!

Never turn in your "Man Card!"
billw1032's Avatar
Most any nail salon, and there's one on almost every corner. More guys go there than you think. I got tired of doing my own toe nails, and they do a much better job than I can. Worth it. You probably need to try a couple and find a manicurist you like. Be aware of their cleanliness and sanitation procedures, but I think most are pretty careful. If you need a name some people seem to like Hawaiian Nail Bar, but I think I get just as good a job for less money from the shop down the street from me.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto--I have lots of clients who get regular pedis!
If you want me to suck on those toes baby,you better trim em up! lol
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Just go in any nail salon and do it!
I don't get a pedicure, but do get a manicure at least every three or four months, but I should do it more often!
It feels weird going in and asking for one the first couple of times, but you're not the first guy to get it done!

Oh, and when the girls start talking back-and-forth in Vietnamese, don't worry, they are talking about you, but nothing you can do!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Can anyone recommend a good place for a pedicure? Always wanted to try one. Originally Posted by Hellion437
ANY salon will be able to handle your needs. Sometimes, the best ones are hole in the wall-type of places. I try to go to the more upscale looking ones, however, I've been to both with fine results.

Ladies LIKE seeing men there, by the way. Men are good tippers!

When you're getting your first pedicure, go the distance. Get some warm paraffin wax put on your feet as part of the pedicure (most salons will show you a menu of different offerings).

In other words, try a milk and honey pedi. Or a fruit scrub one or some other offering. Make it fun!

Are you going to get your toenails painted? If not ... a good buffing is a nice ending.

Let us know how it goes!!! (Side note: I ADORE men who take care of their feet!!! Kudos to you!)

bigdaddyhm's Avatar
I always thought that mani/pedi were only for the ladies. Then a few years ago was sitting around the pool with some friends and they were discussing where they got their mani/pedi. I got to laughing and giving them a hard time about it.

Well comes Christmas and what do I get but a gift card for a mani/pedi. So I tucked my head and headed out to California Nails hoping no one would see me.

DAMN!! Best gift I have ever gotten. My only problem is, I missed out on over 50 years of this due to my thinking this was not a manly thing to do. Hot wax, hot rocks, hot towels, no longer worrying about cutting nails correctly. I sit there for an hour and let them do their thing and it is almost as good as other hobbies I have.

I go at least every 2 months and don't give a damn who sees me and I keep the ladies laughing while I am there. They start their chatting and I just grin and shake my head yes and they know that I don't know what they are saying but it has also gotten me a couple of phone #s. I even visit with the ladies getting their nails done, made a couple of new friends also.

So you can teach an old dog new tricks. I just cry whenever I think of all the opportunites I have missed due to my ignorance. I even think I may have seen some that struck me as being in our hobby.

I really enjoy my trips and will continue as long as I can climb in the chair...lol
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Oh, if you get the right nail salon, they will make your arms and hands feel really good! It is relaxing.
Being a man is being a man and doing what you want to do, no matter what anyone else thinks, like getting your nails done. Women notice little things like if a man has nice nails, or toes.
  • Gbfsl
  • 01-11-2015, 06:06 AM
Was with a provider once and one of the activities she wanted was for me to fuck her with my big toe. I did and then she complained about my toe nail being a little long. WTF. Had I known my toe would end up in a vagina that night, I would have trimmed them. Every since I am a regular manicure/pedicure kind of guy. Just in case :-)

PS. Never felt the need to turn in my man card as a result. It is great to have two women pamper you. One working on your hands. One on your feet. Even without a happy ending, it is a pleasant hour.
OldGrump's Avatar
I'm not ashamed to admit that there is nothing as relaxing as a nice pedicure with foot and leg massage. It is so much neater than just pulling the nail clips out of your pocket.

And at the right place, you can finish with a nice massage and L1. But the services can add up.
James1588's Avatar
ANY salon will be able to handle your needs. Sometimes, the best ones are hole in the wall-type of places. I try to go to the more upscale looking ones, however, I've been to both with fine results.

Ladies LIKE seeing men there, by the way. Men are good tippers!

When you're getting your first pedicure, go the distance. Get some warm paraffin wax put on your feet as part of the pedicure (most salons will show you a menu of different offerings).

In other words, try a milk and honey pedi. Or a fruit scrub one or some other offering. Make it fun!

Are you going to get your toenails painted? If not ... a good buffing is a nice ending.

Let us know how it goes!!! (Side note: I ADORE men who take care of their feet!!! Kudos to you!)

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Elisabeth, I have to ask (since I foolishly missed out on doing a couple's pedicure with you, last time I was in your city): if you "go the distance" on a pedicure, how long should you figure on being there, and what's the approximate cost?

Also, pretend for a moment that you're in some backwater place like Fort Wayne, Indiana, and it's your first time there. How do you pick a likely place to get a pedicure? What do you look for? Or are they pretty much all the same?

Generic White Guy's Avatar
I recomend The Boardroom Salon for Men (www.boardroomsalon.com)...

You can get a pedicure in a manly environment... Everyone wins!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Elisabeth, I have to ask (since I foolishly missed out on doing a couple's pedicure with you, last time I was in your city): if you "go the distance" on a pedicure, how long should you figure on being there, and what's the approximate cost?

Also, pretend for a moment that you're in some backwater place like Fort Wayne, Indiana, and it's your first time there. How do you pick a likely place to get a pedicure? What do you look for? Or are they pretty much all the same?

Thanks! Originally Posted by James1588
An hour to an hour and a half. And the cost? Varies. I generally spend about $35-50 for just the pedicure. But I usually get some sort of treatment along with it.

For a plain pedicure, it's (very generally) anywhere from $17.50 - 40, on the average.

I like getting some paraffin wax done, and often, I will pay for some additional time with massaging my legs. So that adds up.

Really ... I have no idea what things will actually cost in Indiana. Dallas is a less expensive market than like ... New York. So I would think that the costs would be similar where you are.

In terms of finding a place? When you're driving around ... just look around. You'll see them everywhere. Try to find a place that looks more upscale. You don't have to go to Neiman's (!).

But nail salons have a reputation for being nasty sometimes. So you wish to find a place that looks bright and clean. So let's scare you a bit.

You certainly don't want a nail fungus to happen. My place will put plastic liners in the tub where your soak your feet. I like to sit in those comfortable chairs with a massage function to them. Just adds to the experience for me ... because I don't really LIKE to get pedicures (hence why I asked if you would like to come along when you were in town last!).

So anything that makes me feel more comfortable, and it's more enjoyable, then I go for it!

Hope this helps!


P.S. And I will admit that I could be off on those prices somewhat. Those rates are what I'm used to. Cannot speak for the others around.
James1588's Avatar
Very helpful ... thanks!