As you can see, Marilyn Monroe and I might just be related.
You could easily mistake me for her sexy, brunette twin.
Do you see the resemblance, how our curves favor one another?
Curves that distract
...Curves that can cause a 10-car pileup on I-10,

I've actually learned that lesson before, the hard way, picking wildflowers
on the side of the road. (They call that "wildflowerin'" in Arkansas, where I'm from.)
It turns out, an innocent thing like bending over on the side of the road to pick
flowers can cause quite a distraction!
Well, bending over is one thing, but doing it wearing a mid-length sundress prone
to fly north, high heels, AND NO PANTIES... (That probably had something to do with it.)

I can only imagine the look of shock on the drivers' faces before they ran off the road...
the 18-wheeler that swerved and almost flipped plum over. THANKFULLY, he was loaded down

Luckily, no one was seriously injured,

It was one very bad case of rubbernecking

I remember how foolish I felt, thinking that my sudden urge to pick a beautiful bouquet had
caused such a mess. And I certainly remember the reprimand I got from the sheriff! After
taking statements and realizing what caused the crashes, he sternly

"No one has the right to distract people like that, Miss."
He told me if there was something he could charge me with he certainly would.
But there is no "failure to wear panties" on the books

I was shook up and still befuddled by the whole thing when I replied,
"But, Sir, was my bouquet that beautiful?"
"Is that what you're calling it these days?" he replied. It took me a while, but I finally put
the pieces together. I can be ditzy sometimes

Yes, I learned a good, hard lesson that day. And next time I get the sudden urge to pick
wildflowers while wearing a dress on a windy day, I will be SURE to bend over forest-side!

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I hope you enjoyed this comedic post.