sick but true

rex-man's Avatar
I like tattoos but this is a bit out there.

Anybody seen any others?

pallmallblue747's Avatar
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Not a fan of tats,but worse are her toe nails,talk abour GROSS..............
+ 1 on that A SATX, should have spent the $$ on the toes FIRST!!
I'm still gagging at the toes. Omg....
rex-man's Avatar
Should have cropped phone. If I knew her I would pay for a manicure . Sent to me by lawyer client...loL... Well I can't make this damm iPad go back on text . I meant I SHOULD HAVE CROPPED PIX.....
The cat is freaking hilarious!!!
blasian1246's Avatar
I hope those arent female toes! Man or woman, those toes are jacked up! And no guy should EVER get a navel tattoo/piercing! If you have one, your man card has been revoked!
Unstoppable's Avatar
Great, I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Here is a link to The Ugliest Tattoos sub-site by The Cheezeburger Family.