
I've noticed a little more openness and see people are willing to share about a little more sensitive issues and I've often contemplated (even prior to business) a "mommy makeover" but my issue is the scaring that remains mainly from tummy tuck and from what I researched will always be quite prominent and will literally be from hip to hip. Obviously, this will ultimately be my decision on whether I want to follow through but I wanted opinions on the topic of surgery.

And I prefer honesty rather than filling someone with bs...so share freely.
Ultimately, it's your body and you have every right to do whatever you see fit to feel comfortable with yourself. But, you are a beautiful woman, with (as all women) a few imperfections.

Consider this:

Look at these two beautiful women. Today, they'd be called fat, but they're still beautiful. Jane Russel, especially, had a "tummy."

Look at this beautiful woman. She has a hideous mole on her face. The imperfection only accentuates the beauty of her other features.

Just my $0.02 worth.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

Anne francis
Thanks grits. I don't doubt my existing beauty but, yes, improvements are needed. Those women are amazing, IMO, primarily due to the confidence they exude which I don't struggle in that aspect either

I would have been a queen had I been born in the height of Roman/Greek period

Another issue is being reduced to bng girl for a couple months to recover but, hey, that just means more practice! And practice makes perfect
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
If it makes you feel good about yourself then do it.
If you are doing it for others then I would think about it more.
61corv's Avatar
Don't do it! Instant gratification isn't the answer. If you change eating habits and hard work will give you much more satisfaction in the end. Plus the life style change will be so much healthier in the long run.

A new corvette won't make me 2 inches longer or better in bed...
hawk1964's Avatar
I will concur that you are gorgeous, and anything you do should be for yourself and not others.

Not really sure that need much practice as a bng girl, but I'm sure you would find some new technique that would blow our minds
It's your call, but whatever you choose I wouldn't have a problem with it. You're an intelligent, confident, attractive woman with loads of great reviews. We accumulate a bit of our personal history in our bodies (scars, stretch marks, age), it shows we've lived. That's why I prefer older women.
I will concur that you are gorgeous, and anything you do should be for yourself and not others.

Not really sure that need much practice as a big girl, but I'm sure you would find some new technique that would blow our minds Originally Posted by hawk1964

Not much practice as a BIG girl...lol..my subconscious speaks I know you meant BNG girl but comical nonetheless. .hahaha
Don't do it! Instant gratification isn't the answer. If you change eating habits and hard work will give you much more satisfaction in the end. Plus the life style change will be so much healthier in the long run.

A new corvette won't make me 2 inches longer or better in bed... Originally Posted by 61corv

Ok... well you can buy me a new corvette and I will tell you you are 4 inches longer and that you're the God of my p*ssy. See how smart I am Muah and jk

And thanks everyone for your input
hawk1964's Avatar
Yea I saw that and edited. Damn spell correct. Wonder what that will cost me? Hmmm that could be intriguing
I knew you didn't mean anything by it and that it was an auto correct...and if I can't laugh at myself on some things in life there's no point in living Rule 62... don't take yourself too damn seriously.

I will just keep your glasses next time. ..no biggie :P and potentially bring you to tears by a relentless finish. Take it like a man! !!!
hawk1964's Avatar
Sounds like I need to set up another time!
I think you are perfect enough just the way you are. Your positive attitude makes you way prettier than some models that think they are pretty, but their attitude makes them really ugly.

If you want to do it for yourself, that is fine, but sure don't do it for anyone else.
Corvette is on its way to you..... I think u should do whatever you feel like doing. U are beautiful but it is your body. As for a scar. U can always get a sexy tattoo