Talk or text?

61corv's Avatar
Which do you prefer? I have heard both from providers, never call only texts. When many text never are answered, do you call? I wish the ladies would post what they preferred. Do you text or talk?
I text, email, and then call. Then I stand in the parking lot of their incall with a bull horn and sing love songs, calling out their name until they respond.

Seriously, I prefer to use email. But if you read the ads, you usually can find out their preferences.

If I plan on seeing a lady in the not-too-distant future ( by this I mean a week or two) , I will send a pre-screening request in P411.

If she does NOT have P411......or if she does but we are within a day or two of when I want an appointment, I send an email ( if she indicates she prefers this) , text, or make a call saying:

"Hi......this is Hojo Hominygrits! I would like an appontment at 2 pm on Tuesday for one hour. Are you available then? If you are, I will happily contact you via P411 (or send my ECCIE references) so you are comfortable with me. Look forward to seeing you!"

This approach has never failed to get a response of some kind.....usually positive.
  • CS123
  • 01-12-2015, 08:17 AM
So grits you use the Earnest T Bass method and sing love songs! Nice choice!
I would prefer about 99% talk, you can learn a hell of a lot more about a person with a little real conversation than a bunch of texted acronyms, especially upon initial contact. Also I have to travel some distance to either Lnk or Oma and talking is much easier. Texting seems ok for things like room # or just to confirm time tho. I do realize there are times like in public etc when texts may be the best form, and some providers only text so I have to be ok with that too; hey whatever it takes to keep both heads happy!! Either way the most important thing is to COMMUNICATE, yes, no, or fuck-off LOL, just let me know.
61corv's Avatar
I was just getting opinions, hopefully some providers will chime in too. I have done both, talk and text. And even told "never call me, text only!" If no one picks up I text, never leaving a voice mail. I guess I am paranoid.
It depends on the provider, and when I repeat most of them seem to like text better now. First meetings are nice to have a phone conversation. I usually contact new or visiting people via 411.
  • 01-12-2015, 02:09 PM
I don't do this as often as others, so texting is better for me. Plus I'm a little shy meeting new people. Once I've seen them a couple times I don't mind calling. It seems like most I've contacted don't like text and if you do text them they call you back.

I would like to know why the providers like calls rather than text. Just so I can understand where they are coming from.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Which do you prefer? I have heard both from providers, never call only texts. When many text never are answered, do you call? I wish the ladies would post what they preferred. Do you text or talk? Originally Posted by 61corv
Email, pm, text is how I roll, rare cases AFTER screening if a gent needs a quick phone chat i'm happy to oblige (at a good time for us both). I'm not shy at all on my profiles, showcase, ads, website etc on how I want to be contacted.
kendra kayy's Avatar
I prefer email or pm then txt and then if necessary a call Im not always where i can openly talk so that's why the other methods are preferred.
I don't do this as often as others, so texting is better for me. Plus I'm a little shy meeting new people. Once I've seen them a couple times I don't mind calling. It seems like most I've contacted don't like text and if you do text them they call you back.

I would like to know why the providers like calls rather than text. Just so I can understand where they are coming from. Originally Posted by TOFTT
That's funny, my experience is almost the opposite. I HATE texting. Seems like, especially with a new provider but not limited to them, I call, no answer, then I get a text. Usually an inane text at that...what's up, wanna see me?, did you call? I say they should answer the damn phone!!! Lol. I also believe a phone call to be safer somehow, but that's just me.... .I do see the occasional ad that says text only. I avoid those like the plague. I will NEVER see a provider I haven't spoken with, ever!!
I prefer email or pm then txt and then if necessary a call Im not always where i can openly talk so that's why the other methods are preferred. Originally Posted by kendra kayy
Likewise. I have to ignore calls and never feel comfortable returning them esp when I'm not aware of their situation. I hate to say persistence is key but sometimes that's how it works out but that's where txting is more convenient at times.
burkalini's Avatar
I have one of those phones where the texting is 3 letters a number(I know get a new phone) but really I would rather talk than text. I can get a feel sometimes of the personality of the provider. Not always right but mostly. I have decided not to see a provider before because her voice sounded like drone. I imagine what her sex voice would be like. Ooh baby ooh with no inflection at all. Then I would rather email or IM. Anyway what the fuck do I know anyway I have a phone from the dark ages.
12blue4u's Avatar
Short txt then call. Text are more traceable and evidence than calls.
DallasRain's Avatar
Unless we already have a contact,I prefer phone....more personable and intimate that way and lets you get things worked out easier.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I prefer text, pm or email. They have to much voice recognition stuff out there and god forbid you say the wrong thing and they are taping, they got ya.
Text they have to prove I sent the text, my number is a google number and anyone can be texting using that number, personal assistant, dog, friend anyone.