Please Welcome scorpio31 to the Nebraska Staff!!!!

CryptKicker's Avatar
He will be joining us in place of JCM800 who has decided to move on.

Scorpio is an experienced mod out of the Kansas City area. Many of you have probably already had the pleasure.

We thank JCM800 for his service and look forward to Scorpio's working with us!

Please make him feel warmly welcomed!
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks JCM800 will be missed!

Welcome Scorpio!!!
As sad as JCM800's depature makes me I must say, Welcome Scorpio!!! This makes me sooooooo happy!!!
Scorpio is the best!
This makes me suuuuuuuuper happy. Scorpio is AWESOME!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Gawd, they let anyone into the upper Midwest.
Sigh. Time to close the bar.

Thanks for all of your dedication, JCM800! Appreciate you keeping the daycare here open!

Welcome to Nebraska, Scorpio31.
I think you'll find that us here in Nebraska are NOTHING like those damn spoiled brats and bitches (guys & gals) in Kansas City!
Around here we tend to open the car door for each other as a polite gesture.
Of course, that's usually on a turn and includes a huge push!
ILuvNips's Avatar
Damn, with all the love from the ladies towards the mods on this post makes me want to be an Eccie Mod when I grow up! :-)
Thank you for the warm welcome to Nebraska's little corner of a fun, private world or sub-culture as I sometimes refer to it.

I have been reading the various forums and processing reviews and am starting to get a better feel about how y'all like to operate and interact and hopefully, I will be like a good official at a sporting event that you don't notice much because I'm not either making an ass of myself or making mistakes.

My first I need to watch out for the tall redhead?

Now, time for my first official proclamation...

giabella's Avatar
Welcome Scorpio
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 08-20-2015, 10:37 AM
Welcome and hope we don't give you too much grief
Kaboom's Avatar
My first I need to watch out for the tall redhead? Originally Posted by scorpio31
You always watch out for tall redheads.
You always watch out for tall redheads. Originally Posted by Kaboom
I dont bite..... hard.. unless youre into that sort of thing lol
You always watch out for tall redheads. Originally Posted by Kaboom
Ahh, good point!
  • Luxie
  • 08-21-2015, 10:54 AM