Reviews Associated with Provider

I have provided two reviews for two providers, yet when I look at the reviews for that provider, my review is not there. I have typed their handle in correctly and attached the link that goes to their profile. I have two other reviews that show up fine.

How does one ensure the provider has the review listed in her list of reviews under her profile.

I noticed that AustinBree has another review from an "Expert" that is not associated under her profile as well.

Thanks for your help, I just want the provider and hobbyist to get the benefit of the review by associating it with the provider.

I've seen this happen before where there is more than one handle on ECCIE for the provider - in the case of Bridgette there is a handle for "Busty Bridgette" and one for "BustyBridgette" - your review appears under the latter. This can happen when a girl starts getting reviews before she has officially registered with ECCIE - an entry will get created for her for the reviews to be linked to, then she'll create her own when she registers, and this sort of confusion can ensue.

In the case of Bree, I see your review under the ECCIE Reviews tab on the profile that you linked in the review, so that seems to be taken care of. I believe that these links have to be done manually by the mods, and sometimes it just takes time.
FWR's Avatar
  • FWR
  • 08-01-2011, 07:05 AM
I was wondering the same thing. I did a review for Lulu, and while I got credit for the review, it has never shown up on her showcase as a review of her. Do we need to link the showcase with the review?
FWR, I see your review on the ECCIE Reviews tab on LuLu's profile. I could be wrong, but I think the girls decide which reviews to list on their showcase page - if they have a bunch of reviews (LuLu has 17), they'll put a subset of them on the showcase page. I don't know, but I suspect there is probably a limit on the number of reviews they can put on their showcase page. I believe that the mods try to link all of their reviews to the girl's profile, and those appear under the ECCIE Reviews tab.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-01-2011, 02:03 PM
The assignment of a review to a particular provider is a manual process that is handled by your local moderator staff. We do this as we have time, but generally reviews are assigned within a week of the session (usually much faster.)

Occasionally, the review is assigned to the wrong provider. If this happens, you can hit the "Report Post" button on the review or send us a PM and let us know about the problem. We'll investigate and reassign it to the appropriate lady. All of the reviews for a lady are associated with her profile.
