Miami Herald opinion piece

VitaMan's Avatar
An opinion piece on Spanish language radio stations would not usually be of interest to most of the participants in the Eccie political forum. The reason this looks kind of interesting to right wing hard core participants of the political forum is.....the arguments they use are exactly the same as these.

"An informed community — one that not only flaunts the word “freedom” but actually practices its most basic component, free speech — shouldn’t be a threat to anyone.

Yet, Florida’s GOP and its Cuban-American supporters are in a tizzy over the prospect that the sale of two iconic Miami news radio stations will open to debate the Republican-monopolized political conversation in the county’s Spanish-language airwaves.

What are they afraid of, losing fake news outlets?

Because, with the announced sale of legacy stations Radio Mambi and WQBA to the newly formed Latino Media Network, Republicans in Florida seem to be losing the most important mouthpieces they’ve used to spread misinformation among Miami-Dade’s faithful Cuban-American and other Hispanic voters.

Miami’s Cuban radio hosts kept blaming the Black Lives Matter movement and pounding the lie, with zero evidence, that Donald Trump had won the election and Democrats committed voter fraud.

Cuban radio hosts constantly cast Democratic candidates — and anyone with opposing viewpoints — as a socialist and a communist. Their unchecked broadcasters, accountable to no one, also pass on pandemic misinformation, falling down the rabbit hole of right-wing conspiracy theories. They are a danger to their listeners.

Republicans have turned everything into a partisan brawl,"
Another worthless're on a roll straight down the shitter.
You only give a shit about Trump not the disaster in the's the economy working for yah...
Now you've reduced yourself to "opinion pieces" know what they say about opinions...get a fucking life!!
VitaMan's Avatar
In Miami they use the exact same tactics the right wingers on here use. Not surprising it doesn't interest you. still have to make a worthless post.

Get a presidential candidate

You know what they say about the GOP
... We surely do know - that the Repubs are gonna
SCHELLACK the Dems in November. ...

And President Trump is STILL the odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024!

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You want him to lose again ? Find someone new if the GOP has the backbone to do it. It is people that want the filth of Trump brought back that have the TDS. The rest of us can't wait for him to be put in the dust bin of politics.

Bring him he can issue more pardons to his crooked cronies ?

And don't bring up the bs that Trump got screwed out of a victory in 2020. He lost...and everybody knows it.
... We surely do know - that the Repubs are gonna
SCHELLACK the Dems in November. ...

And President Trump is STILL the odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... See this previous post.

### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
we don't care because its a florida local issue. it might matter to floridians who lives there.
VitaMan's Avatar
Find someone new before Trump loses again.
VitaMan's Avatar
we don't care because its a florida local issue. it might matter to floridians who lives there. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The discussion is not that it is a FL issue. The discussion is the Republicans there use the exact same tactics displayed on this forum by the right wing hard core.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Some random Cuban in Miami has an opinion (I'll also assume they have a bung-hole) and it is that that GOP is Orange Man Bad because they believe the Orange Man Bad crowd thinks Demonicrats are Socialists and/or Communists.

Only flaw I see in that opinion is that Demonicrats are Socialists and/or Communists.