Government's just not quite big enough for ya?

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-18-2012, 05:44 PM
Then vote Republican.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What a load. Tell the whole truth Doove. Nixon-Ford had to fight the Vietnam war and their administration covered eight years.

Carter cut the military budget so far that ships and equipment could no longer deploy and Carter was in only four years.

Reagan was forced to rebuild from the Carter years. Read that again, forced to rebuild.

Now the only really good comparison is that Bush I didn't have to rebuild a military but he did fight a way. He spent less per capital.

Clinton came along and cut the military budget again. He sent the military to Bosnia and other far parts but he failed to stop OBL when he had the chance.

Bush II had to deal with OBL and rebuilding the military again to fight a war in the middle east.

Obama did not have to build up the military again because of Bush II and the hard work had been done in Iraq.

If you going to cut and paste this stuff, why not tell the whole story.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-18-2012, 07:51 PM
If you going to cut and paste this stuff, why not tell the whole story.

R Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Big government is big government. Period.

Your defense of your version of big government pretty much tells us everything we need to know about where you stand on "big government".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sometimes NECESSARY government looks like big government and defense is a necessary constitutional assignment.
waverunner234's Avatar
Bush II had to fight a war in the middle east. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let me correct you if you don't mind.

Bush II did not have to fight a war in the middle east.

Bush II WANTED to fight a war in the middle east!
(for which there was no money, only a black hole of shortage of money created by the same Bush II via tax cuts.)
And he did not mind killing 10's of thousands of innocent people in order to reach his own goal, but who cares about that?)

I don't think very high of education quality in the US but a 12 year old kid can do the math that if you increase spending while you decrease revenue that cannot lead to a good result.
waverunner234's Avatar
Sometimes NECESSARY government looks like big government and defense is a necessary constitutional assignment. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Could be true. But what about OFFENSE?

Did Iraq attack us? NO!
Did Afghanistan attack us? NO!
oglfp12's Avatar
Let me correct you if you don't mind.

I don't think very high of education quality in the US but a 12 year old kid can do the math that if you increase spending while you decrease revenue that cannot lead to a good result. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Actually, Congress was well aware of the long-term deficit implications of the Bush tax cuts. The Congressional Budget Office projections clearly showed that, but Congress and the President were more concerned about pumping some money into the faltering economy in the wake of 9/11. The negative budget projections were the reason the law implementing the tax cuts had them expire at the end of 2010. The Congressional Budget Office's projections (bad as they were) did not include the costs of two wars, which were not envisioned at the time--at least not publicly. So, the bad long term effect of the cuts were made a whole lot worse by two wars that were not paid for.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Damn. I have to admit that Wave is right on this one. Man, I hate when that happens.
waverunner234's Avatar
Damn. I have to admit that Wave is right on this one. Man, I hate when that happens. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I understand COG.
Believe me, the same happens to me sometimes. But then I do the same you did today, admit it.

Believe me, I'm proud of you COG
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
To be honest with you, Wave, there is no one on this board that I dislike. There are ideas that I heartily disagree with, but I don't dislike anyone here. Almost all of my namecalling is done tongue in cheek. When you are right, I will say so.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2012, 02:01 AM
Actually, Congress was well aware of the long-term deficit implications of the Bush tax cuts. The Congressional Budget Office projections clearly showed that, but Congress and the President were more concerned about pumping some money into the faltering economy in the wake of 9/11. The negative budget projections were the reason the law implementing the tax cuts had them expire at the end of 2010. The Congressional Budget Office's projections (bad as they were) did not include the costs of two wars, which were not envisioned at the time--at least not publicly. So, the bad long term effect of the cuts were made a whole lot worse by two wars that were not paid for. Originally Posted by oglfp12

[[[[[[[ THUD ]]]]]]]

sorry, I fell out of my chair.

Possibly the FIRST time I've ever heard anyone actually say the tax cuts didnt pay for themselves. Kudos oglfp

to top off the aforementioned, after passing budgets for sums yet known to mankind, the Bush War Cartel and majority congress later passed massive funding requests to continue their agenda that weren't included in the new budgets. Funny how they forgot to fund an ongoing war until a month or so after the budget was in the books.
waverunner234's Avatar
To be honest with you, Wave, there is no one on this board that I dislike. There are ideas that I heartily disagree with, but I don't dislike anyone here. Almost all of my namecalling is done tongue in cheek. When you are right, I will say so. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I have known that for a long time already.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-19-2012, 04:53 AM
Sometimes NECESSARY government looks like big government and defense is a necessary constitutional assignment. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In other words, big government is ok so long as it's done your way.

Hypocrite much?