RIP-Tom Clancy

Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Slave Guinevere's Avatar Originally Posted by Keyzer Soze

To say that I am DEEPLY AFFECTED by the loss of such a creative genius is an understatement...

Your saddened slave,

Jed Clampett's Avatar
RIP Tom Clancy. I really liked the movies that were made from his books.
bamatide's Avatar
Tom Clancy was my favorite author...RIP sir.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
R.I.P. tom.great writer
sms918's Avatar
Clancy was one of my favorite writers since high school. his books were written like he was telling true strories, and kept you reading from beginning till the end.
Hermosa's Avatar
RIP Tom Clancy. I really liked the movies that were made from his books. Originally Posted by Jed Clampett
If you liked the movies (Which were great), read the books. They were deep, lots of intregue, and you just didn't want to put them down. What's amazing, he talked about using planes as weapons long before 911. Time to read another one of his books. Like many things(women), one great adventure is worth a second look.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-02-2013, 08:35 PM
The Hunt For Red October was the first Clancy book I read. I was hooked then and I am still hooked now. A great story teller.

The stories in the books were far better than the somewhat different versions in the movies.
DallasRain's Avatar
R.I.P.great author
BorderCrosser's Avatar
He's one of my favorite authors and will be dearly missed by millions of fans. His next (and maybe last) book is scheduled to be released this December.
Guest010619's Avatar
Met him at a book signing once. Got him to sign 'Teeth of the Tiger' still waiting on that one. A Jack Ryan Jr. Adventure.
Reagan was a great fan and opened many doors to this new author.
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
One of my most valued possessions I have is a signed hard back of Red Storm Rising when he came to Mayport in 88. The line stretched around the building and I waited over an hour to meet him. I've read just about everything he has written over the years. Why is it that the good ones always leave too soon?? RIP Tom.
Guest010619's Avatar
Oh... I almost forgot Tom.
This is from your Eccie fans.


21 PING salute.
Tom Clancy film festival.
greenhorn1960's Avatar
You know, we all took him for granted. We all hope to read a few more books written by him but, it appears just one more.

First Vince Flynn, now him.

My reading will be curtailed....

I'll miss him.
I have every book he wrote. (Mostly hard copy first edition copies) Amazing author, and plots that could easily happen in real life. 66 years old. Don't know what did him in, but he was a smoker (like I was for 50 years) and that shit will kill you. I will miss his genious. Vince Flynn too. Michael Connelly is gone to now. I am running out of my tried and true authors. Still have James Patterson, Stehen Coonts, Clive Cussler, Lee Child, Web Griffin, Brad Taylor, Brad Thor, Dean Kootz, Brad Meltzer. But no body came close to the techno war politcal 800 page thriller the Clancy could do (and keep you rivited and unable to put the book down for hours. He will be greatly missed. I understand he had at least one more book in the pipe, due out in December