PS3 Provider Themes Revisited

savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 10-08-2013, 07:05 PM
Alright so as I stated last week this is what my Photoshopping has led up to....

I'm a young guy, and a gamer, and the providers here that I've had the pleasure of meeting have charmed me enough to want to customize my playstation with a customized theme to match their provider persona.

First up Viviana Montero:

With Viviana I tried to snag a theme that matches things that I know she likes. She likes sweet red wines like Lambrusco so I took her pictures and arranged them into this film reel thing. Then I grabbed some pictures of a bottle of wine and a book and used those pictures as part of the background and then covered it with a red bubbly bokeh to simulate the idea of bubbly red Lambrusco wine.

For the icons, I use icons such as books since she likes to read so much and candles. Icons I found randomy through google. Examples of her icons are provided below:

The funny part about making a customized ps3 theme for Viviana is that when I met her, she went out of her way to tell me how she would never date a guy who plays video games. But hey I'm sure even she would appreciate how a gamer would happen to pay homage to her.

Next up is Paris Love.

With Paris, I took pictures from her showcase and set them with an Eiffel Tower in the background with a bokeh effect in the background set to a pink overlay to match her love of bubbly blush wines.

For the icons I use lots of pink icons ranging from Perfume Bottles, Jewelry Boxes, and the Eiffel Tower Hearts Logo I made for her. Examples are provided below:

The theme I have featured here of Paris Love is actually nothing compared to the other themes I have based on her. I have various other themes based on our Nurse and French Maid Roleplay which are much more elaborate and over the top. Those won't be featured here however.
Lastly my theme based on Ms Francisca

With my theme of Ms Francisca, I went for the Spanish angle since she's Spanish. I used icons based on the coat of arms of spain, the spanish flag, a cup of red wine since thats what we were drinking the times that I have met her, white roses, a flamenco guitar, etc.

examples are provided below:

I've made custom ps3 themes of another provider not featured on this thread, but have only shown them to that respective provider privately to not rile up the sensibilities of her photogs who snapped her pics to begin with.

I made these themes kind of as a tribute to these providers. I just hope I did them justice. Thank you to the ladies featured in this thread for letting me nerd out once again!

Alright now to get back to gaming!