Spur Foot & a MRI

Trump says the right things and i find myself wanting to support him .

That being said I would never support a draft dodger .

I would love to have trump release a current MRI image of the Spur in his foot so i can be sure i wouldnt be supporting a person who got a medical exempt .

He spoke out about wanting to see a birth certificate .

Yes it would put the Spur Foot on top in my book if he would release a current Image of his foot .

gfejunkie's Avatar
I would never support a draft dodger. Originally Posted by slickahhughs
Guess you didn't support Slick Willie Clinton either.
Guess you didn't support Slick Willie Clinton either. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
but he didn't inhale
Trump says the right things and i find myself wanting to support him .

That being said I would never support a draft dodger .

I would love to have trump release a current MRI image of the Spur in his foot so i can be sure i wouldnt be supporting a person who got a medical exempt .

He spoke out about wanting to see a birth certificate .

Yes it would put the Spur Foot on top in my book if he would release a current Image of his foot .

Spury Originally Posted by slickahhughs
Well take his word for it. By law he doesn't have any legal obligation to release medical information.

Trump says the right things and i find myself wanting to support him .

That being said I would never support a draft dodger .

I would love to have trump release a current MRI image of the Spur in his foot so i can be sure i wouldnt be supporting a person who got a medical exempt .

He spoke out about wanting to see a birth certificate .

Yes it would put the Spur Foot on top in my book if he would release a current Image of his foot .

Spury Originally Posted by slickahhughs

Obrobro agrees...

Trump says the right things and i find myself wanting to support him .

That being said I would never support a draft dodger .

I would love to have trump release a current MRI image of the Spur in his foot so i can be sure i wouldnt be supporting a person who got a medical exempt .

He spoke out about wanting to see a birth certificate .

Yes it would put the Spur Foot on top in my book if he would release a current Image of his foot .

Spury Originally Posted by slickahhughs
If he had it treated, there may be no evidence of it.
All good points .

After some more thinking on the issue the spur is not important.

A written plan of attack of all the i thinks and i woulds along with a consideration of a time line it would happen in that could be signed into law as soon as he would be inaugurated would be cool though .

Every single biz transaction in modern times has one .From renting a movie to a cell phone contract to land development .

Our country is the most important thing we have above all else not your house your car are you smart phone .But every election we settle for nothing in writing no real plan of attack for the problems are solutions .Simply we get caught up in the [ I Thinks ] as they will really do that .

I think a lot of shit every day and i get done ZIP.

I think everyone should have there own penthouse pet .And i think that pet should always wear her key .And I think that everyone should have a Unimog .

I think the light at the end of the tunnel in near death experiences should be changed to a nutrual color instead
of white .

I think that having a rap group called N.W.A is the shittiest thing ever when people complain about being called the N-Word .

I think Gang members in rap groups who pull- 187,s- sell illegal substances- shoot at the police- and do GTA,s- should have 10 movie deals with Disney studio only if the group has the N-Word in its name . .

Thats what Walt had in mind for family values when he first built Disney .

I Think --------------------------------
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So basically, what you fellas are saying it that you're OK wirh Trump being a draft dodger.

The fact that he's a bellicose asshole is one thing, but a draft dodger too?

Speaks volumes for you.
The spur foot is not important in the way that it is like stated above a legally protected medical record .So I know longer will waste my time bringing it up .

A person that says they support the troops now but avoided Vietnam era service on a medical condition they possibly didn't have.

That means another had to step forward man up and take that spot.

The catalyst of that could be infinite .

I am a person a human being I am a american I believe in the abilities of a human being and predominantly a American to value and defend freedom just as those we honour that came before us.

Freedom is not a commodity on a store room shelf controlled by a business Man's wanton desires of more self empowerments.

Advisery panels have business men in them to look at human beings as objects of manipulated convictions expendable in every sense.

Fuck trump!

Rick Perry is truly whom I believe is sincerely the right person morally for the job . But he is in my opinion way to good of a person to do the job .

A great candidate would be brad from fast times at ridgemont high .

Then we could all rub one out to Phoebe Cates on the toliet
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You presume too much. If someone had to step forward and takes Trump's spot then only he can make such a claim. You know someone could do exactly that. Find out the year of the draft selection that had Trump's name, find the list of names by number, move everyone down one place BUT....you'd have to find everyone else who got a deferment for every other reason and substitute their place taker and this includes Bill Clinton (whose number got called) but not Rush Limbaugh (whose number was not called). That is the difficulty of the project but I still say that only the person who had to fill the spot has the right to condemn someone who got a deferment. To make it easier, how about polling just the Vietnam Era veterans.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good idea, JDrunk!

Why not poll the Vietnam Era veterans.

I think Trump was a privileged little shitass who did everything he could to get out of service and hasn't learned respect for anybody or anything since.

Just the kinda guy to be commanding our military.
You presume too much. If someone had to step forward and takes Trump's spot then only he can make such a claim. You know someone could do exactly that. Find out the year of the draft selection that had Trump's name, find the list of names by number, move everyone down one place BUT....you'd have to find everyone else who got a deferment for every other reason and substitute their place taker and this includes Bill Clinton (whose number got called) but not Rush Limbaugh (whose number was not called). That is the difficulty of the project but I still say that only the person who had to fill the spot has the right to condemn someone who got a deferment. To make it easier, how about polling just the Vietnam Era veterans. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am at my Dads he was in the HQ Hq co 10th inf 4 BG Ft ft Clayton cz zone and then jwtc under ft Davis base commander Winston l Olson & Goldoni. He went in in 19 60 and came out sept 67 He is a southern command bush master. He says to him he is glad pussys draft dodged

I shit you not he just said the world needs pussys it makes him look more

Gung Ho .Work together

That is a military man.

.what kind of pussy zip lines the shagus river and swims back across guanton lake instrucks Brazilian paratroopers and plays victor Charlie are the enemy to train just about every jungle fighter that went through the cz jwtc until 65 then let's just say I live in my dads shadow .

Let trump do what he wants and has the ability to do after all dad fuaght to keep everyone free .

He has said he found the cost of freedom and most men are lucky they didn't have to pay the bill.He was more than glad to pick up the pussys check.

I stand corrected he just said he got out in sept 66 .

He was back in SE Asia after 66 on his own looking for something he lost . He is 74 now .