EVen Bannon decries the alt-right ... if you believe him

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Steve Bannon, who once bragged that Breitbart was the platform for the alt-right, has broken with Twitler and slammed the very people Twitler has supported, defended and emboldened.

He also plans his own internal shakeup, to turn out foreign policy more hawkish.

That is, if you believe any of this shit.

He could be falling on his sword to give Twitler a good excuse to fire him.

He could be doing just about anything. Whatever it is, you can be sure it won't turn out well for the country.


Bannon calls far right 'clowns,' says enemies are 'wetting themselves,' in rare interview
Published August 17, 2017 Fox News

White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon opened up in a rare interview published Wednesday by a left-leaning magazine, dismissing some of his enemies in Washington while calling the far-right elements of the Republican party “a collection of clowns.”

Bannon, the former executive chair of Breitbart, called a reporter with the magazine The American Prospect.

“Ethno-nationalism – it’s losers. It’s a fringe element,” Bannon said. “I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.”

He added, “These guys are a collection of clowns.”

Fox News has learned Bannon thought the conversation was off-the-record -- a scenario similar to Anthony Scaramucci's infamous interview with The New Yorker which preceded his ouster as communications director, though Bannon's chat was PG by comparison.

In the wide-ranging magazine interview, the content of which Fox News can confirm is accurate, Bannon also said that his adversaries within the State, Defense and Treasury Departments are “wetting themselves” as he works to push them out of the administration.

Bannon said he called the writer, Robert Kuttner, because the strategist agreed with a recent article explaining how China would benefit from the nuclear threats between the U.S. and North Korea.

Bannon detailed his push to punish China with tougher trade sanctions -- and talked of plans to oust opponents of the move.

"I’m changing out people at East Asian Defense; I’m getting hawks in. I’m getting Susan Thornton [acting head of East Asian and Pacific Affairs] out at State," the strategist said.

Bannon's interview also covered North Korea. Despite Trump's claims of "fire and fury" against the regime, Bannon said "There's no military solution [to North Korea's nuclear threats], forget it."

"Until someone solves the part of the equation that shows me that ten million people in Seoul don't die in the first 30 minutes from conventional weapons, I don't know what you're talking about, there's no military solution here, they got us," Bannon said.

Bannon has been the target of speculation across the country about his future in the Trump administration. The adviser reportedly has become increasingly isolated within the White House as new members join the ranks, and The New York Times reported this week that Bannon had not personally met with President Trump for over a week.

The same report said the president did speak with Bannon over the weekend as he tried to form a response to the violence that took place at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va.
lustylad's Avatar
Steve Bannon went to Virginia Tech, Georgetown and Harvard.

Where did you study libtardism, oinkboy?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-17-2017, 09:56 AM
Steve Bannon went to Virginia Tech, Georgetown and Harvard.

Where did you study libtardism, oinkboy? Originally Posted by lustylad
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  • 08-17-2017, 10:01 AM
“Ethno-nationalism – it’s losers. It’s a fringe element,” Bannon said. “I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.”

He added, “These guys are a collection of clowns.”

. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bannon is calling people like LL, bambino and lustylad clowns.

He is to Trump what Gruber was to Obama!

Our resident clowns have been Gruber'd!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Bannon is calling people like LL, bambino and lustylad clowns.

He is to Trump what Gruber was to Obama!

Our resident clowns have been Gruber'd! Originally Posted by WTF
So which one are you! Trump or Obama clown
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-17-2017, 10:25 AM
So which one are you! Trump or Obama clown Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I was a Gary Johnson clown in the latest election.

How about you?

bambino's Avatar
I was a Gary Johnson clown in the latest election.

How about you?

Originally Posted by WTF
You are most definitely a clown.
The problem with the alt right is the same problem with the TEA party. The media/alt left "defined" them. They said for months TEAP party was a bunch of racists even though there'd be black people participating and in some cases, leading.

But for years it was deemed racist by the left. Even the black men and women who were elected to Congress were deemed sell outs with no real reason given.

The Klan is the Klan. Skinheads are skin heads. They've been around for years. The alt right needs to identify themselves and kick the Klan and skinheads out of their organization.
bamscram's Avatar
The alt right is the KKK, Nazis, skinheads, and all the rest of the same ilk.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There it is. What is this "same ilk" that you speak of? Care to define your terms?

Did you know that there were black Nazis in World War II? They were from Africa and called honoray Arayans. The same was true of the Serbs in Yugoslavia. They were Muslim and Nazis. Not all but many. So this is not all that cut and dried if you really look it with an open mind.

The number of people who support the worst of the KKK, Neo-Nazi, and white supremacist values is really very, very small. Does anyone really believe that EVERYONE voted for Trump supports them? That's what we're being told by the press and democrats.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
not really sure who this alt-right may be, but I do not align myself with racist nazis or anybody like them.
It is bad enough that we have leftists in far too great of numbers that we have to see the mirrored hatred in that bunch as well.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
not really sure who this alt-right may be, but I do not align myself with racist nazis or anybody like them.
It is bad enough that we have leftists in far too great of numbers that we have to see the mirrored hatred in that bunch as well. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Do you condemn the KKK, white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups, 2Dogs?

Yes or no.
bamscram's Avatar
There it is. What is this "same ilk" that you speak of? Care to define your terms?

Did you know that there were black Nazis in World War II? They were from Africa and called honoray Arayans. The same was true of the Serbs in Yugoslavia. They were Muslim and Nazis. Not all but many. So this is not all that cut and dried if you really look it with an open mind.

The number of people who support the worst of the KKK, Neo-Nazi, and white supremacist values is really very, very small. Does anyone really believe that EVERYONE voted for Trump supports them? That's what we're being told by the press and democrats. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
http://www.theroot.com/report-hate-g...-2n-1792418805 Originally Posted by bamscram
The root? Sorry, I don't pollute my mind with bullshit. I ran into the Root a few years ago when I was doing geneaology research. I found a distant relative from a decade ago. She was raped and murdered by three black men when she was 22 years old. Their defense was that her appearance caused them to trigger (as they say nowadays) their memories of slavery. They were being celebrated by the Root. So fuck the Root and any story that they put out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The root? Sorry, I don't pollute my mind with bullshit. I ran into the Root a few years ago when I was doing geneaology research. I found a distant relative from a decade ago. She was raped and murdered by three black men when she was 22 years old. Their defense was that her appearance caused them to trigger (as they say nowadays) their memories of slavery. They were being celebrated by the Root. So fuck the Root and any story that they put out. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
White girls bleed a lot?