Durham protestors admit it's not about just tearing down statues ... it's about tearing down America

I B Hankering's Avatar
"In Answer To Trump" their statement begins -- not 100+ year old Confederate statues.

Freedom fighters topple white supremacy statue
By L.T. Pham posted on August 15, 2017

In answer to Trump, racists, Nazis

Durham, N.C., Aug. 14 — A crowd of over 100 people gathered today in front of the Confederate statue in downtown Durham to protest white supremacy. The solidarity protest was called two days after white supremacists and neo-Nazis descended upon Charlottesville, Va. — where they left many people injured and one activist, Heather Heyer, dead.

The demonstration was called by the Durham Branch of Workers World Party in solidarity with local anti-racist and anti-fascist forces. There were firsthand accounts from those who took on the ultra-right in Charlottesville — organizers, activists, mothers and medics who were on the scene. In front of the old Durham courthouse, the crowd chanted “Cops and Klan go hand-in-hand!” and “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA” as sheriff’s patrol cars blocked the streets and police filmed demonstrators from the steps of the courthouse.

Freedom fighters rallied in front of the courthouse while inside the county commissioners held a meeting. Durham County Commissioners have been under scrutiny and pressure from local organizers for their refusal to tackle issues of policing and deportation in the city.

At the height of the rally, local Black student organizers spoke to their struggle to remove a Confederate statue on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s campus. The students led the crowd in a chant of “Tear that statue down!” As the chanting reverberated off the courthouse, demonstrators began to circle around the monument, demanding it come down.

In North Carolina in 2015, then Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law a bill blocking removal of Confederate monuments. The N.C. General Assembly continues their attempt to suppress resistance. Currently there is a bill under consideration that would make it legal for a driver to hit demonstrators with their car and face no consequences.

In Charlotte, lawmakers are attempting to make it impossible for demonstrators to rally by legislating that organizers must pay for all lost time on parking meters in order to receive a protest permit.

The fight against white supremacy is a fight against the ruling powers that be — the politicians and profiteers who have just as much blood on their hands as the Ku Klux Klan who showed up in Charlottesville.

Organizers and protesters in Durham sent a clear message: Love does not trump hate; only mobilized people’s power can tear down white supremacy.

The monument at the old courthouse was erected in 1924 to “honor the boys in gray” — part of the Jim Crow propaganda movement throughout the U.S. to glorify the racist Confederacy and to reinforce the “second rise” of an anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-woman Klan.

Takiyah Thompson, a student at N.C. Central University and a member of WW Durham, with support from an eager crowd, climbed a ladder and tied a rope around the statue, prompting anti-racist fighters to topple the statue. The crowd erupted in revolutionary fervor and refused to be intimidated by white supremacists, police or politicians.

The role of the state is one of direct collaboration with white supremacist forces. In order to beat them back, we have to build a fighting movement that is staunchly against white supremacy in all its forms — from monuments and KKK rallies to policy brutality, from housing discrimination and gentrification, from the state threatening wars abroad against Venezuela and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the war at home against Black people and all people of color, Indigenous people, LGBTQ people, women, disabled people, migrants, Muslims and poor people.

Anti-racist fighters in Durham took matters into their own hands. The Confederate statue toppled down and crumpled into itself. This is the first rope of many to pull down the pillars holding up white supremacy and capitalism.

The powers that be will crumble under the power of organized people!

Down with all statues of the Confederacy! Down with white supremacy!

(Workers' World)
bambino's Avatar
Of course. The statues don't mean a thing to these miscreants. They don't know anything about history. They're mostly white losers. Just like the Nazis.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Of course. The statues don't mean a thing to these miscreants. They don't know anything about history. They're mostly white losers. Just like the Nazis. Originally Posted by bambino
They're card carrying communists with the goal of ultimately destroying the United States as a capitalist society.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They're card carrying communists with the goal of ultimately destroying the United States as a capitalist society. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

that is exactly who and what the ALT LEFT is. and they'll use any means necessary including violent protest to get what they want.

and here is assup the faggot pig flapping his yap about condemning the so called "alt right" .. a term that didn't even exist a few years ago .. made up by the liberal media to rationalize their agenda .. yet he stands with ALT LEFT communists against the USA.

go figure.

bambino's Avatar

that is exactly who and what the ALT LEFT is. and they'll use any means necessary including violent protest to get what they want.

and here is assup the faggot pig flapping his yap about condemning the so called "alt right" .. a term that didn't even exist a few years ago .. made up by the liberal media to rationalize their agenda .. yet he stands with ALT LEFT communists against the USA.

go figure.

bahhaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
They should use Asswipes pig blood to make some General Pershing's bullets.
This is a Dim Socialist/BLM/Media Matters/MSM Alt Left operation.

Funny how the news media gave President Obama all types of passes for not calling out "Muslim extremist" terrorists attacks but there is one idiot ramming a car into a crowd and he has to denounce groups he never supported IMMEDIATELY.
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that is exactly who and what the ALT LEFT is. and they'll use any means necessary including violent protest to get what they want.

and here is assup the faggot pig flapping his yap about condemning the so called "alt right" .. a term that didn't even exist a few years ago .. made up by the liberal media to rationalize their agenda .. yet he stands with ALT LEFT communists against the USA.

go figure.

bahhaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Which to me shows he's a Commie lover..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Which to me shows he's a Commie lover.. Originally Posted by garhkal
that's why I started calling him commie swine.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Name calling.

Great source, IBIdiot. Real credible.

The communists are as biased to their cause as you are to the Nazis and KKK you revere.

BTW -- Fox News invented the term "alt-left." There Is NO unified movement. Just a way to equivocate for the bad guys.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Name calling.

Great source, IBIdiot. Real credible.

The communists are as biased to their cause as you are to the Nazis and KKK you revere.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's your pinko thuggish buddies who are flying communist banners, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
both antifa (and blm) and the Nazis (and the kkk) are leftwing groups who wish the destruction of the united states

both are socialistic

one is international in scope

one more nationalistic

one wishes to destroy capitalism and have the state own the means of production for the state's purpose

one wishes to somehow maintain private ownership but control the private sector and use it for the state's purpose

both have racist components

both hate the constitution

both are outgrowths of the dimocrat party

and trump was right again, both are violent
Hot Chicks with Beautiful Minds...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkpK8ga4K_g Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
They were pretty straight and to the point. You won't hear that type of dialogue from a Liberal. They would rather play the race card and the blame game. I use to hear Liberals try to say Obama never used the race card. Obama was the race card, that's partly how we got where we are today. Race is something we should strive to eliminate from the hearts and minds of people to better society. Instead it's become a weapon to destroy people and divide society. This is where we are at, and where we will stay for awhile and in the end it will prove worse than slavery.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2017, 09:40 AM
both antifa (and blm) and the Nazis (and the kkk) are leftwing groups who wish the destruction of the united states

both are socialistic
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Once again you are just wrong.

Trump sounds a lot like Hitler.

And he definitely is a cult of personality.


The majority of scholars identify Nazism in both theory and practice as a form of far-right politics.[13] Far-right themes in Nazism include the argument that superior people have a right to dominate other people and purge society of supposed inferior elements.[14] Adolf Hitler and other proponents denied the view that Nazism was either left-wing or right-wing, instead they officially portrayed Nazism as a syncretic movement.[15][16] In Mein Kampf Hitler directly attacked both left-wing and right-wing politics in Germany, saying:
Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors ... But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms.[17]
goodolboy's Avatar
both antifa (and blm) and the Nazis (and the kkk) are leftwing groups who wish the destruction of the united states

both are socialistic

one is international in scope

one more nationalistic

one wishes to destroy capitalism and have the state own the means of production for the state's purpose

one wishes to somehow maintain private ownership but control the private sector and use it for the state's purpose

both have racist components

both hate the constitution

both are outgrowths of the dimocrat party

and trump was right again, both are violent Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
"We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: … an end to the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand … the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our entire system of public education … We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents … The government must undertake the improvement of public health – by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor … by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education of youth. We combat the … materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of the common good before the individual good."
From the political program of the Nazi Party, adopted in Munich, February 24, 1920"

Similarities between Communism, Nazism and liberalism
