Time For GOP to stop criticizing Obamacare

flghtr65's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
GOP is one thing. The Kool-aid drunks who think Sarah Palin is a great american are the ones who need to STFU.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I did not know you were a fan of Palin.
RedLeg505's Avatar
GOP is one thing. The Kool-aid drunks who think Sarah Palin is a great american are the ones who need to STFU. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Would the same thing apply to the Kool-Aid drunks who think Obama is a great American? Wouldn't they need to STFU too?

In the name of fairness, which you folks trot out when trying to sell us some BS plan? You know, like Obamacare?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't have to sell you shit, red leg. It's the law of the land, approved by Congress, signed by the President and upheld as constitutional by the Supreme court.

I think the sales period is long over.

I don't give a fuck what you or any other the other crybabies and whinebots do.

This is just like those among you who are still fighting the Civil War. Get over it, for Christ's sake and move along.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wonderful! Link in the middle of an article. What are you trying to hide? Do you know who "Johnson" is? Anyway, you're holding up John McCain as a the authority here? He couldn't even beat a guy named Hussein with no experience. I will also believe those numbers when they happen.
Don't forget, only the personal mandate has gone into effect and five million people lost their insurance. 85% of people get their insurance through work. The business mandate goes into affect next year and millions more will lose their insurance.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Doesn't sound like much of a rebuttal to me, JDIdiot. Now you're shitting on the man you supported for POTUS.

There's no stopping you is there?

flghtr65's Avatar
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1054760732]Wonderful! Link in the middle of an article. What are you trying to hide? Do you know who "Johnson" is? Anyway, you're holding up John McCain as a the authority here? He couldn't even beat a guy named Hussein with no experience. I will also believe those numbers when they happen.

Mitt's number one campaign promise was he would repeal Obamacare his first day in office, if he were elected. Well what happened? Mitt lost by 5 Million VOTES.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Against an incumbent. McCain didn't have that excuse.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The only whining comes from the libtards.

Once again;
Why if obamacare is such a good thing are so many exempt from it.
Why did the Supreme Court have to alter the "law" in order to make it seem constitutional (it is written as a fine and not a tax).
RedLeg505's Avatar
I don't have to sell you shit, red leg. It's the law of the land, approved by Congress, signed by the President and upheld as constitutional by the Supreme court. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And CHANGED by the President at his whim whenever and however he feels like, gotta love those "law of the land" things that Obama is willing to SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT to prove it can't be changed or delayed.. until he needs to change or delay it, then that's perfectly fine.

Or is it the new policy.. "if the law is known by your name, then you can mess with it as much as you need to make it work"?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If FuckZup had the capability of rational thought he would have known just how stupid that last comment was. Obama has changed the law of the land, and the province of the Congress, 19 times in the last year. He does not have that legal authority. Also slavery was the "law of the land" as was segregation and internment camps. I suppose FuckZup is in favor of both of those things.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If FuckZup had the capability of rational thought he would have known just how stupid that last comment was. Obama has changed the law of the land, and the province of the Congress, 19 times in the last year. He does not have that legal authority. Also slavery was the "law of the land" as was segregation and internment camps. I suppose FuckZup is in favor of both of those things. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In thought I was on your special list.

You have issues with the president. that's your problem.

challenge him in court. Bring him down. It's your right as a citizen.

Just quit your fucking mewling.

glad you added the slavery and internment camps into your brilliant retort, JDIdiot. added that touch of stupidity we all expect from you.

Had I been alive I would have opposed both. I guess you were in favor of the Volstead act, you twelve stepper you...

You're a fucking lunatic.
Would the same thing apply to the Kool-Aid drunks who think Obama is a great American? Wouldn't they need to STFU too?

In the name of fairness, which you folks trot out when trying to sell us some BS plan? You know, like Obamacare? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
+1000! The GOP doesn't need to criticize Obamacare any more. It's doing a fine job on its own of showing what a shit-filled twinkie it really is.
flghtr65's Avatar

In the name of fairness, which you folks trot out when trying to sell us some BS plan? You know, like Obamacare? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
So when Mitt sold Mass Romneycare, which has the same individual mandate, it was not a BS plan. So Romneycare is OK for the state of Mass(which gets a check from federal government to administer their plan). Obamacare is not ok for any other state? They are the same thing. The repubtards have no plan for any other state, just let the uninsured stay uninsured. The plumber who works for himself and by himself and makes $80,000 per year but has a pre-existing condition like high blood sugar can't get health insurance from any company under the old system. What is the republican plan for him, other than staying uninsured?