Thanks BritishBabe for your "What Started..." thread

Thanks BB for waking me up on why I joined the Hobby, but man these past few months have been getting tough justifying to myself why I've stayed in it so long.

There used to be a rush from it, but it's been gone for a while ...

Folks I hope you have wonderful day!

Laters, x
Hi Lurk! Sometimes, it's good to take a little break...I know it helped me. No matter what you decide for still have friends here! Have a good day!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Hi Lurk! Sometimes, it's good to take a little break...I know it helped me. No matter what you decide for still have friends here! Have a good day! Originally Posted by Likinikki

Well said LN
Lurk yes your friends will always be here for you take care.


past conversations well remembered..
the invitation remains a constant...
FootLong's Avatar
Hey Lurk, we all go through the ebb and flow. It's about fun, and if you have to 'justify', well, that ain't fun!

You don't have to look at it as being "in" or "out", just something you can partake in whenever the mood suits!

Spend more time f*ckin', and less time justifyin', I say!
Lurk, I have moments where I just can't get enough!! Then it flips on me and I want nothing but peace and quiet. You are beautiful, darling!! There is no right or wrong.....xoxooxoxox