
<--- That's me atm.

Yall are great Wonderful. I have been happier than I have been in years. Its rather unfortunate that we have to be so careful.

This likely should be posted in the powder room, but I dont have access yet, so it is here. I enjoy playing and having fun, but with the two active posts in alerts by star and landman Im thinking I just need to keep my hands in my own pants. I dont like this "they are using informants to send in session cus they can do whatever with you than vice bustes in to catch you." posted yesterday.

With that said Im not here for the $$ tho I do get to do really goofy things with it and doing that makes me even goofier *grin* But even if that wasnt there... if I went to see a gentleman and there was no exchange of money or gifts or anything of the sort could I still get into trouble?

I think Im done before I even really got started

And what makes me most angry is that I spent three hours making my signature last night
signature looks

licks to ya
awwww no . I know you need to be careful but if you screen properly you will be able to sort out the bad from the good.
aww finlay. if its not seeming fun...then a break or a halt may be necessary.
screening is crucial!!
lol...and i enjoy being a goofball as well!!
Texasquest's Avatar
<--- That's me atm.

Yall are great Wonderful. I have been happier than I have been in years. Its rather unfortunate that we have to be so careful.

This likely should be posted in the powder room, but I dont have access yet, so it is here. I enjoy playing and having fun, but with the two active posts in alerts by star and landman Im thinking I just need to keep my hands in my own pants. I dont like this "they are using informants to send in session cus they can do whatever with you than vice bustes in to catch you." posted yesterday.

With that said Im not here for the $$ tho I do get to do really goofy things with it and doing that makes me even goofier *grin* But even if that wasnt there... if I went to see a gentleman and there was no exchange of money or gifts or anything of the sort could I still get into trouble?

I think Im done before I even really got started

And what makes me most angry is that I spent three hours making my signature last night Originally Posted by finlay

Im not a lawyer..but i dont think there is anything illegal about 2 consenting Adults having fun without any exchange of money..
Sexwaffle's Avatar
Our good uncle leo is just really hurting the game these days. Making great new providers turn away. >< And I was really looking forward to a session with her.
Risk is simply a part of life. You have to weigh carefully what you are willing to risk and what consequences may have to be paid. Being very careful may not be enough and a donation for one session would hardly (if at all) pay a speeding ticket much less an attny or bail. You have to have a plan, a well thought out offense/defense AND be educated on all pros and cons of the profession.

However, it can be very rewarding in many ways baby! No one can tell you what the right way is! I got a fortune the other day that said "Do what is in your heart, the money will follow", it's not clear what the hell that means tho!

Whatever you chose, you hold your head up and give it all baby! Kick some ass!
PaganGuy's Avatar
Safety first. Sure things wil leveloff soon.
As for the wanting to see gentlemen with no exchange of anything.. very legal.. and sure it would be a very long line
I never have any shortage of no money personally...
Finlay, the last time I looked...Escorting is LEGAL. What is ILLEGAL is the exchange of money for sex. Just be aware of what you're doing...and who you associate with.

The truth is...if you're doing something *illegal* and they want you, they will find a way to get you...and you will take the ride downtown. So, do your homework and make sure you don't do anything *silly*.
You guys are fairly great you know

blaktygre's Avatar
always err on the side of caution. if you arent comfy with the situation then by all means take a fun folks will always be here if/when you decide to venture back into these fun-filled waters..
Sexwaffle's Avatar
You guys are fairly great you know

<3 Originally Posted by finlay
Only fairly great? I think we need to step up our awesomeness everyone!
Proper screening.....Call me daring...I can enlighten you even more!! Hang in there beautiful!! xxx
yeah hon, to me it's worth it. Take these ladies up on offers to help...I think if you can find a trustworthy and RELIABLE mentor, you will do better than riding solo. Make sure that they are WORTH your trust tho!

Frankly, I've made very bad decisions in this area, have had providers get into my hobby phone and invite my clients over/steal them and even worse - literally put my life in danger! Just remember, there are predators out there that just love to harm others and eliminate competition! That being said, there are some of the most wonderful women you'll ever meet here. JUST FIND THE RIGHT ONES! Its fairly clear who has class and who doesn't - if they have to say they do, walk the other way!
Brother blacktygre, I am terribly uncomfortable NOT having had the pleasure in a VERY long are so yummy!