Things a civilized town should have.

Ah. I am at home in Bham for the week. Planning on seeing how much painting I can get done. Gonna be hard to do since I'm still recovering from two sprained ankles.

But there are some things that a civilized town should have... like Golden Rule BBQ. A Milos. A quaint 100+ year old place to pick up fresh roasted peanuts like The Peanut Depot.

It should also have a terrific lady like Cammie, who I hope to have a chance to see while I am here. Otherwise I will have to sneak back over here on weekend.

I think it is nap time after the Golden Rule rib run. Another nice thing about being home... sleeping in my own bed.
Awww! You say the sweetest things! You know my number, I'm game if you are!
Mmmmmmmm, peanut depot.
DallasRain's Avatar
quote---it should also have a terrific lady like Cammie,

she is the HOTTEST gal around!

and Milo has awesome tea!

have fun!
quote---it should also have a terrific lady like Cammie,

she is the HOTTEST gal around!

and Milo has awesome tea!

have fun! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Cammie is a terrific lady and a real sweetheart. I didn't get to see her when I was in B'ham so I'm going to have to sneak back to B'ham one weekend.

I'm also going to have to branch out and meet some of the other sweethearts of the South, but being off the beaten path makes it a little difficult.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
What is a Milo's? I'm going to look it up!
DallasRain's Avatar
they sell jugs of Milo's tea at Wally World