Shade has a visitor

FattyMcGee's Avatar
Just a friendly service announcement. The Shade has LE hanging out by the dumpsters facing both entrances as of 12:45pm today.

Please no bananas in the tailpipes this time.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Someone put donuts in the dumpster again?
FattyMcGee's Avatar
It's not exactly what you want to see after you pull out of your parking space on the way out.
Yikes... Been going to The Shade off and on since '09 and it's always been reliable in terms of the quality of the providers and the discreetness of the location. It would be a shame if they got busted but maybe their luck is running out. Additional Intel appreciated.
FattyMcGee's Avatar
The trooper was just sitting in his car facing both entrances.

You can believe I made sure to come to a complete stop and use my blinker to pull out.