Presidents ratings since I was born.

Cody69's Avatar
Presidents That Got Things Done For Regular Middle Class Citizens Not Just The Rich.

Order IMHO

1 President John F Kennedy
2 President Barack Obama
3 President Bill Clinton
4 President Dwight D Eisenhower
5 President Daddy Bush
6 President Gerald R Ford
7 President Joe Biden
8 President Ronald Reagan
9 President Richard M Nixon
10 President Lyndon B Johnson
11 President Jimmy Carter
12 President Baby Bush
13 President Donald J Trump
rmg_35's Avatar
Can't argue with the list. The insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump dead last. Never a bigger piece of shit on the planet. The moronic, maga morons will continue to support him. Never a bunch of "BASKET FULL OF DEPLORABLES".
Can't argue with that list, either. Except maybe trump being on it at all. He's done nothing but turn his own countrymen against each other. Fuck him and everything he represents.
Cody69's Avatar
Jimmy Carter was the most honest president we had in my life time. Both the Democrats and the Republican wanted him gone. He is the one that had the Line Item Veto. He wanted no pork in the bills. Both parties hated that. That way they couldn't get rich as they did before or how they do now as easy. He was for the country.

Trump, he did everything in his power to take health care off of the poor. It used to be the government paid the entire medical bills for those who can't work or don't want to work. With Affordable Health care the ones who can pay, paid. If you can love and follow Trump no matter what he does or says then you are voting for the party. No one went to the United Nations and embarrassed the USA where every country laughed at our leader like they did at Trump. I was never so embarrassed as a American as I was when they made fun of Trump. The entire place laughed at him.[B] He is too old for reelection, constant source of embarrassment and shouldn't be allowed to run for trying government take over. He is a snake oil salesman, he will tell you anything. He is not in it for the country he is in it for him.

Clinton As a person I didn't like Clinton but he ran the country and got it going. He did nothing crazy like modern times. We thought he did at the time, we seen how much of a saint he was because of what has happened in the past 7 years. He was for the country.

NixonAt the time we thought was a crook, nothing like what happened during Trumps term. Nixon tried to get the country in a better way. He wasn't a bad president. Decent Person. He was for the country.

Ford wasn't a bad president wasn't a bad person. He just got screwed because of what Nixon did. That was when both parties were working together and didn't have the radicals like you have now. He was for the country.

Reagan let other countries take over manufacturing. He wouldn't put a tariff on imports and all the steel mills and any job like that are gone. They are still gone, that industry and many more because of him. United States is basically sales service now. Your unions were very powerful then and he took care of that. Not just a little like it should have been, they are weak a piss now because of him. Hence Rich and Poor, low paying blue collar jobs, some are middle class. Now it is the people that talk about working make the money not the people that work with there hands and actually make the product. In his term he put Pittsburgh on there knees. 10% unemployment. He was for the country but more for the rich.

Daddy Bush wasn't a bad president he wasn't a bad person either. When we went to war with him we needed too. He was for the country.

Johnson, probably smart as Baby Bush. He finished things that Kennedy started, (Medicare), had a war that started in Eisenhower time to deal with. His family made money on the deal. I was young don't remember much more. He never embarrassed the country though. Bobby Kennedy hated him. Basically in it for the country.

Obama did a lot for the country. He was a good person. Republicans did everything in there power to fuck over on him. He got us out of the start of a depression. Our leaders wanted him to fell. They actually went on 60 minutes (Eric Cantor) and bragged of how they wouldn't do anything to help him as long as he was in office. They did not want a African American in office. They even went as far and still do on here to cut down his wife that is at least 10 times smarter than Trump or Baby Bush. When he left being president he left the country on a up swing. The stock market was on its ways up and people were working. Before his term high unemployment and stock market plunging. He was for the country.

Baby Bush left his term and we were headed to a depression. Banks were closing and it was a mess not counting getting us into a war that was made up. As a person he is not a bad guy. He just couldn't run the country. His VP had to make all of the major decisions. In my life time probably the dumbest president we had. He meant no harm. He was for the country.

Biden, he came into the office and hated Trump so bad he got rid of a lot of things that was good for America. He has give more to the people who don't want to work than other presidents. Waiting for congress to come up with a law for immigration will not give an executive order to stop what is happening. Probably going to cost him reelection. Has got the economy on an up swing with many many jobs available. Too old. Basically in it for the country.

None of the other presidents Raped, belittled, appointed there family to positions where the entire family robbed the USA. The worst thing that happened that I can remember was Clinton got a BJ and they had meetings for months for that and impeached him. Some of Johnson's family made money off of Vietnam. Nothing went on like what happened in modern times.

On this site and in our country we have two different kind of people, people with common sense and people that vote for the party no matter what.

I think I was fair of what each president did what.