Stoled the Election, Biden, Hilary, Trump, Nikki, and EGA's

Cody69's Avatar
To the MEGA's, it has been at least a week that no one has said the election was stolen from Trump after over three years of investigation and no proof that would change anything. I love reading your fake whining stories though. It makes my day.

You new fake topics have been, Putin in bed with Hilary and Joe Biden, even though Trump sent Tucker the Fucker over to see Putin and give him a handy. We all know who is in bed with Putin.

I love the crying Trump wasn't given a fair trial too. His lawyer is so stupid the things she needed to do and didn't. First she didn't request a jury, which you guys bought. Trumpy was picked on and it wasn't fare. The judge went by the book, he is not at Trump tower, the judge has to go by the law.

Then she tried bringing up things from the first Trial when he Raped E Jean Carroll, the second trial was about Defaming her, that trial was done, water over the bridge. A jury made that decision on both trials.

I know you guys are only trying to divert the facts being that Trump is a total source of embarrassment. We all know he has to pay million for not shutting the fuck up. That is hilarious but go for it, its funny. Keep the diversion going, you coparts believe it.

So Nikki hang in there dear, you are smart enough to know out of all of his trials where they have overwhelming evidence he may be in jail come November, doubt it, but you never know. If it is all fair trials he will be in jail. Just like the other criminals.

Nice try on Biden hush money. That didn't work either. Don't worry they will ride it out till November. Between that and not doing anything with the budget, borders, and Ukraine, his fault with world inflation. Do worry it will work, all for the reason to make Biden look worst. You know it, we all know it. Sort of like Hillary's Email till the day of the election. Same thing is going to happen. Republicans have always done this, there is nothing they can offer for common folk, they only have benefits for the rich.