Watch out for the heels...

Bomb Pop's Avatar
Remember guys, they just don't make women's legs longer, they're a self defense tool.
Its only a matter of time where ladies can't wear stiletto heels anymore..
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Its only a matter of time where ladies can't wear stiletto heels anymore.. Originally Posted by SpinnerSarah619
This must never be spoken in public again!
Helicopter206's Avatar
Next thing you know they will take away Stripper Heels..
We have all seen the guy that get's kicked up side his head.
While setting to close to the stage... That was some funny shit...
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Had a friend who was a trauma nurse, the hospital had a life-flight come in with a dancer from I think Topeka, she had a stiletto to the eye. Never got the true stiory out of her on whether she "fell on it" or what. My friends and I thought of ways to cover it up, the winner was to have 3 tassels and spin them in different directions.