free photo session with Houston photographer

Hello folks,

I'm a Houston based photographer looking to get into more creative lines of work. I spend the weekends shooting weddings and during the week, I do corporate photography. I also do some family portraiture as well. I absolutely love what I do but crave something more creative.

I'm looking to get a couple of shoots on the way to start my portfolio and so I'm offering this as a freebie.

I realize that due to the nature of this site, there may be some guys posing as photographers and turning up to shoots with a point and click and so it would be OK if you wanted somebody present at the shoot for your peace of mind.

FYI I shoot with pro grade equipment including flashes and umbrellas.

The look I want to capture is tasteful boudoir.

I will provide you with all edited images captured for your own use as you please.

Here are a few shots I took of a male model: It's not the look I'm aiming for with these boudoir / glamour shots but it's just to demonstrate my capability.

Please drop me a PM if you're interested.


I forgot to add that I will only travel in the Houston area.
Wow, nice work!