Remember when the credit card companies turned on Backpage? I'm sure y'all know who Sheriff Tom Dart is. Check out what happened the other day:
Judges Skeptical Of Illinois Sheriff's Campaign Against Backpage
Listen to the Judge Richard Posner (who's kind of a badass, by the way) tear into Sheriff Dart's lawyer starting at 18 minutes in:
Listen to the judge eviscerate Sheriff Dart's lawyer's argument--start 18 minutes in. He says a few funny things in the beginning too, but it really gets to the meat of it starting at 18 min.
Basically, he's saying that Sheriff Dart (mis)used his position as a public official to enforce his private opinions and further his private (anti-sex work) objectives. And it's true.
Coincidentally, the ever-problematic Mann Act is named after an Illinois congressman.
Some of the best bits:
- Judge Posner: "What about old people who'd like to be seen with a young woman? That's an aspect of the escort service. It's not all sex."
- Judge Posner: "He talks about 'a violent industry'. Is phone sex violent?"
Dart's lawyer: "It can be."
Judge Posner: "How?"
Dart's lawyer: "If children are involved."
Judge Posner: "We're not talking about children here. All these adults are getting swept up with the children. They're potential targets."
- Judge Posner: "What if Sheriff Dart wrote...and said...'I don't like your selling short skirts. I think it promotes sexual improprieties.' Would that be proper?"
Dart's lawyer: "That would be proper."
Judge Posner: "So everything that Sheriff Dart doesn't like...receives these letters from the office of the sheriff??!?"
(Then he comes up with a hilarious analogy involving the hypothetical euthanasia of pets.)
Really, listen to it. It is glorious. Enjoy!