Score one for Backpage: This will make your day.

This has made my day and warmed my heart, so I thought I'd spread the love and share it with y'all.

Remember when the credit card companies turned on Backpage? I'm sure y'all know who Sheriff Tom Dart is. Check out what happened the other day:

Judges Skeptical Of Illinois Sheriff's Campaign Against Backpage

Listen to the Judge Richard Posner (who's kind of a badass, by the way) tear into Sheriff Dart's lawyer starting at 18 minutes in:

Listen to the judge eviscerate Sheriff Dart's lawyer's argument--start 18 minutes in. He says a few funny things in the beginning too, but it really gets to the meat of it starting at 18 min.

Basically, he's saying that Sheriff Dart (mis)used his position as a public official to enforce his private opinions and further his private (anti-sex work) objectives. And it's true.

Coincidentally, the ever-problematic Mann Act is named after an Illinois congressman.

Some of the best bits:

  • Judge Posner: "What about old people who'd like to be seen with a young woman? That's an aspect of the escort service. It's not all sex."

  • Judge Posner: "He talks about 'a violent industry'. Is phone sex violent?"
    Dart's lawyer: "It can be."
    Judge Posner: "How?"
    Dart's lawyer: "If children are involved."
    Judge Posner: "We're not talking about children here. All these adults are getting swept up with the children. They're potential targets."

  • Judge Posner: "What if Sheriff Dart wrote...and said...'I don't like your selling short skirts. I think it promotes sexual improprieties.' Would that be proper?"
    Dart's lawyer: "That would be proper."
    Judge Posner: "So everything that Sheriff Dart doesn't like...receives these letters from the office of the sheriff??!?"
    (Then he comes up with a hilarious analogy involving the hypothetical euthanasia of pets.)

Really, listen to it. It is glorious. Enjoy!
This has made my day and warmed my heart, so I thought I'd spread the love and share it with y'all.

Remember when the credit card companies turned on Backpage? I'm sure y'all know who Sheriff Tom Dart is. Check out what happened the other day:

Judges Skeptical Of Illinois Sheriff's Campaign Against Backpage

Listen to the Judge Richard Posner (who's kind of a badass, by the way) tear into Sheriff Dart's lawyer starting at 18 minutes in:

Listen to the judge eviscerate Sheriff Dart's lawyer's argument--start 18 minutes in. He says a few funny things in the beginning too, but it really gets to the meat of it starting at 18 min.

Basically, he's saying that Sheriff Dart (mis)used his position as a public official to enforce his private opinions and further his private (anti-sex work) objectives. And it's true.

Coincidentally, the ever-problematic Mann Act is named after an Illinois congressman.

Some of the best bits:

  • Judge Posner: "What about old people who'd like to be seen with a young woman? That's an aspect of the escort service. It's not all sex."

  • Judge Posner: "He talks about 'a violent industry'. Is phone sex violent?"
    Dart's lawyer: "It can be."
    Judge Posner: "How?"
    Dart's lawyer: "If children are involved."
    Judge Posner: "We're not talking about children here. All these adults are getting swept up with the children. They're potential targets."

  • Judge Posner: "What if Sheriff Dart wrote...and said...'I don't like your selling short skirts. I think it promotes sexual improprieties.' Would that be proper?"
    Dart's lawyer: "That would be proper."
    Judge Posner: "So everything that Sheriff Dart doesn't like...receives these letters from the office of the sheriff??!?"
    (Then he comes up with a hilarious analogy involving the hypothetical euthanasia of pets.)

Really, listen to it. It is glorious. Enjoy! Originally Posted by Annie Calhoun