campaign fiance reform

sue_nami's Avatar
excuse me while i hop up on my soap box and say this>>>> I think we need campaign fiance reform desperately and our government is currently under the control of international corporate interests and does not represent the people any more. Our country needs to correct this. The ruling elite do not want this issue discussed and don't want the common folks to realize the power should be in the hands of the people not the corporations. the biggest issue in this entire election should be campaign fiance reform. no candidates on either side can talk about this issue but Bernie because they are already BOUGHT AND SOLD. we the people need to take back the government. America, do not let the huge multinational corporations rule our country. We must demand reform. talk about this issue with your friends. even if you're not for Bernie you should agree on this overall issue. we the people do not elect politicians anymore, they are owned by the business interests now. let's make campaign fiance reform the over riding issue, no matter what side you're on. how could anyone think it is a good thing that our votes are are irrelevant now when the corporations are controlling the country by controlling the politicians. OVER TURN CITIZENS UNITED is a good start
derek303's Avatar
This is why Trump and Sanders are doing well. Both have the illusion that they can't be bought.