dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Today, 10:06 AM Remove user from ignore list
Yssup Rider

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I see the idiot is on a posting roll this morning. looks like he misses his BP.


winn dixie's Avatar
He has a fixation on those things. He is the asspert on the subject.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor little BUTTPLUG. All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Check your PMS, dear girl.

Where'd HoeHummer go? You haven't logged on under that shamdle since 11/18.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I was wondering that myself.

Maybe he’s bumping the uglies with oeb11’s mother.

Butt you’d have to ask him yourself. I don’t know him, doofus.

winn dixie's Avatar
True 5 star thread!
Don't go weeks at a time without logging in as HoHummer. The mods will get suspicious.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What the actual fuck are yous talking about?

I guess yous must have missed me.

But we’ve been very busy here preparing for the inevitable floods of idiots trying to penetrate our Southerns border once they roust the Trumpholians from the USEh.

While we wait for our COVID shots, we’ll be bracings to repulse the invasion.

Well if the truths is told ... nope, yous titfuckers wouldn’t believe the truth anyways. It’s a skill now in the Great White South, and you beauties have become quite accomplished at it, I can tell yous.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Sorry, YR but you have no chance in catching me in my hated bet thread that was started about me. You can try, but not to be cocky, I'll keep that bitch moving if you get close to me.

I'll just make up more bets and piss people off so you should just concede now because I've already won this. I'll bet you $100K on that. BAM!!!! I just pissed off more simpletons. It's that easy for me.

I won't let you take the hated glory away from me because that's mine. I don't mean to be greedy, but I earned this hate glory.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Sorry, YR but you have no chance in catching me in my hated bet thread that was started about me. You can try, but not to be cocky, I'll keep that bitch moving if you get close to me.

I'll just make up more bets and piss people off so you should just concede now because I've already won this. I'll bet you $100K on that. BAM!!!! I just pissed off more simpletons. It's that easy for me.

I won't let you take the hated glory away from me because that's mine. I don't mean to be greedy, but I earned this hate glory. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

YR is DOTY champ. you have no chance in matching him in the hate department. you have to bow before him. lol!

Redhot1960's Avatar
Sorry, YR but you have no chance in catching me in my hated bet thread that was started about me. You can try, but not to be cocky, I'll keep that bitch moving if you get close to me.

I'll just make up more bets and piss people off so you should just concede now because I've already won this. I'll bet you $100K on that. BAM!!!! I just pissed off more simpletons. It's that easy for me.

I won't let you take the hated glory away from me because that's mine. I don't mean to be greedy, but I earned this hate glory. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
winn dixie's Avatar

ding ding ding Exactly
Lucas McCain's Avatar
YR is DOTY champ. you have no chance in matching him in the hate department. you have to bow before him. lol!

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Bullshit. I can win that too. Sorry YR, I'm not not letting you have that either. With this cooties virus, I am taking everything I can before I may die. You don't get to hold the belt. I want that belt. That's my belt. You only won that belt because of fraudulent voting. I won it fair and square. Just give me the belt and I won't sue you for it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Check your PMS.

These dildos don’t stand no chance now

Lucas McCain's Avatar
They've had no chance since May or maybe June. It's funny that they still don't know that.