CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If the NDAA does not allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens, why is the Obama Administration appealing the decision of Judge Forrest?

Why does he insist on having this unconstitutional power? And why does Romney want it, as well?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No comments? You have no idea how important this issue is.
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Alex's guest today is investigative journalist Ben Swann who interviewed Obama about why his administration is fighting the injunction issued by a federal judge prohibiting the indefinite detention of American citizens under Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is very impoertant.
I was told of an event where a man went to another man's house because he was constantly calling the police about trivial neighborhood matters such as kids riding go-karts.
He asked the man to step outside so they could talk.
The man refused and called the police.
The police came out and talked with both parties.
Now here is the ki9cker.
Depaterment of Homeland security requires that to be listed as a terrorist threat.

The man claoimed that he was asked to come outside to be assaulted.

So if the Department of Hoeland Security can now tell police departments how to define with abroad brush a terroristic threat, the obvious end is that you could be detained indefinately.
So could speaking out against the President also be classified as a terroristic threat?

Our individual freedoms and liberty are being eroded on a daily basis.
It is very impoertant.
I was told of an event where a man went to another man's house because he was constantly calling the police about trivial neighborhood matters such as kids riding go-karts.
He asked the man to step outside so they could talk.
The man refused and called the police.
The police came out and talked with both parties.
Now here is the ki9cker.
Depaterment of Homeland security requires that to be listed as a terrorist threat.

The man claoimed that he was asked to come outside to be assaulted.

So if the Department of Hoeland Security can now tell police departments how to define with abroad brush a terroristic threat, the obvious end is that you could be detained indefinately.
So could speaking out against the President also be classified as a terroristic threat?

Our individual freedoms and liberty are being eroded on a daily basis. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Nobody cares about this BOG because very few of us are as paranoid as you and the rest of your whacko friends on here. Now, run outside to check if the sky is falling.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, Timmy, does that mean you're ok with the government being able to arrest and detain you without due process, not allowing you to see a lawyer or having the charges against you tried in court? And that the government can arrest you on that basis, accountable to no one for their reason, and keep you detained as long as they want?

That's what the Obama administration is fighting for. It sounds like you approve. And this isn't partisan, Romney likes this law, too.

This is more like Stalinist Russia, than free America.
You guys know that it's know only Obama's administration that is fighting for it, there are also republicans in the court documents as well.
Either way, I think it is weird and unnecessary to have these type of regulations no one should be detained for an unspecified amount of time without evidence of due cause IMO.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-15-2012, 10:32 AM
If the NDAA does not allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens, why is the Obama Administration appealing the decision of Judge Forrest?

Why does he insist on having this unconstitutional power? And why does Romney want it, as well?

http://www.businessinsider.com/unbel...-ruling-2012-9 Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

because all of the rabid rightwngers are still scared to death a muzzie will get them and yammer constantly about it?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You don't understand the law, which is typical since you rarely understand anything.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-15-2012, 10:44 AM
I understand the law just fine... you ask why I offered an opinion/question ... get it ?

Denny Crane
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Ture facts
When you look up recent activity in that neighborhood in amongst reports of burglaries is the terroristic threat.