New News

KelseyBelle's Avatar
As of July 1st my lease is up and I will no longer be a local girl in Cedar Rapids or anywhere. I will be traveling and will have no set location. I will be around and will come back to visit. I will not forget about any of you. I really like Cedar Rapids but I have the urge to travel and see the world and meet more people. This all where it started for me and I will miss you boys, I have had a lot of fun here so please keep an eye out for me when I travel through.

DallasRain's Avatar
Best to you sugar
crazyassfireman98's Avatar
May your journey be great, all the best!!
Yes, best of luck to you Kelsey! I hope you have some great adventures and meet some good people along the way. I was hoping that we would have met by now, but perhaps I will be able to make that happen at some point in the future.
Does this mean that you are investing in a RV/travel van/etc? If so, will it be red to match your hair and carry a bumper sticker "if this vehicle be rocked don't come a knockin"? LOL

Seriously enjoy your travels and stop back in C.R. frequently.
KelseyBelle's Avatar
Thanks for all the good wishes I do appreciate everyone who has taken time to respond. Hopefully I will see you all again whether it is back here in C.R. or somewhere on the road, who knows we might randomly be in the same town some day. As for those of you that are stuck here in C.R. I will stop through from time to time so when I do I hope you are able to find some time to spend with your favorite lil' naughty red head.
finman56's Avatar
Good luck cutie pie, stay safe and have fun. Travel is an adventure.
Hopefully one day our paths will cross.