Spanking, Choking and Shaming

Ok first off, when a chick has asked me to spank or choke them I feel like Richie Cunningham trying to be Fonzy (I hope you girls aren't too young to get that reference...some girl at Whole Foods recently said she'd never heard of Led Zeppelin!)

Choking and spanking doesn't come naturally to me and I've met providers that genuinely wanted it. Conversely I like to fuck hard and have even picked women up while doing it and went Tarzan on them....but being rough just for the sake of being rough has never been my thing.

Do you girls like it? What are your limits?

Shaming is another thing especially apparently between a white man shaming his asian/latina/ aa you ladies get these requests? Again not my thing and I don't even understand the desire to do it....just another interesting facet of this Jungle we inhabit.

What are your thoughts and experiences?
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Ok first off, when a chick has asked me to spank or choke them I feel like Richie Cunningham trying to be Fonzy... Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy

Fonzy is a fictional character. No one on earth is truly "cool"...and if you ask me, no one on earth is completely "uncool" either. Some are just so awkward to be around that it's annoying and difficult to handle in more than small doses.

When it comes to "dom" type stuff, it's really all an act/game. No one wants to be injured, even though it might seem like what you're doing would be hurtful. Some people just have a higher threshold for pain and like experiencing it, to some degree, and pushing/exploring their own personal limits.

As far as the Richie/Fonzy situation, just keep in mind that you are playing a role and it is for the HER benefit. She WANTS to believe you're The Fonz type (even if only in that moment) and will probably cut you a lot of slack if she knows ahead of time that that's really not "you". You're doing her a favor by indulging this fantasy. It might even take a little practice.... just give it your best shot!

I guess there are other forums where it's discussed more often, but in any "sub/dom" relationship, despite outward appearances, it's true that the sub is really the one who is always in control... and if you're (not YOU, Butch) a person who just likes to abuse people, then this is something altogether different. Maybe try to get some "help" for that LOL!
You mean the Fonz wasnt real??? Good advice mate, I'll stick with my vanilla sex
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
I e gotten some crazy ass requests.. But, after 50 shades of grey I intently researched it and interviewed dom men. To a degree I won't say but I will say this.. If your not comfortable don't do it. If you don't know how to without hurting them don't do it. And the advice to the ladies is this from years of experience Dom men mouths.. 1) when playing in bdsm don't do it after a man been drinking because it dangerous. I learned a hard way! 2) if they don't know how to do a few really dangerous things don't do it. You risk getting hurt.. Believe me you don't want to learn the hard way..
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
Oh yes.. Example had a guy that wanted me to just walk in his apt the other night. Literally apparently suffocate him using gloves and said he even left knives out in case I wanted them. Keep in mind we never had a session before. I didn't do it paid good but I acknowledged that risking hurting someone not worth it. I've spanked men roleplayed but that was out my league