IMPEACHMENT Inquiry - two faceted right now

berryberry's Avatar
It is about time - targeting Senile Biden and his corrupt DOJ

BREAKING: In his press conference this morning, Speaker Kevin McCarthy suggested the Senile Biden impeachment inquiry will be two-fold: foreign influence-peddling and the Justice Department's "cover-up" outlined in part by whistleblower agents
DNinja69's Avatar
First time I have supported an impeachment effort. I was not nearly old enough to vote during Watergate but that one would have gotten a thumbs up from me. I think its a little late myself.
berryberry's Avatar
LOL! Have fun with this Nothing 🍔 fellas.
First time I have supported an impeachment effort. I was not nearly old enough to vote during Watergate but that one would have gotten a thumbs up from me. I think its a little late myself. Originally Posted by DNinja69
You didn't support either of the trump impeachments? But you support this nonsense? Really? Wow.

Both trump impeachments were slam dunks, by the way. They were both based on phone calls that the American people were allowed to hear. And he's done nothing but show what a criminal piece of shit he is ever since. It might be different if showed even a little remorse about either one since. But showing remorse is impossible for a malignant narcissist.

At least Nixon had a soul.
berryberry's Avatar
So I guess the White House is abandoning the lies they told for years that Senile Biden never met Hunter’s business partners, never talked to them, and never even talked business with Hunter. All lies.

WH Spokesman: Senile Biden attended Hunter’s business meetings because he “loves” him
You didn't support either of the trump impeachments? But you support this nonsense? Really? Wow.

Both trump impeachments were slam dunks, by the way. They were both based on phone calls that the American people were allowed to hear. And he's done nothing but show what a criminal piece of shit he is ever since. It might be different if showed even a little remorse about either one since. But showing remorse is impossible for a malignant narcissist.

At least Nixon had a soul. Originally Posted by tommy156

Not so sure Nixon had a soul?
But the republican party of the day had a spine and knew a criminal offence when they saw it and acted telling Nixon that he no longer had they're support!
Had they done what these bozo's are doing that pass for the republican party now a days Nixon may have acted in the same manner as cowardly treasonous trump!
Nixon said and did some of the same things trump had done when he first realized he was in trouble.
But his own party put the kabosh that shit quickly!
DNinja69's Avatar
@tommy156 If you are asking do I believe Trump is guilty of inciting the events of Jan 6 I do indeed but to me impeachment was not the best way to proceed. What is happening in Georgia is much more appropriate in my opinion.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-13-2023, 06:13 PM
@tommy156 If you are asking do I believe Trump is guilty of inciting the events of Jan 6 I do indeed but to me impeachment was not the best way to proceed. What is happening in Georgia is much more appropriate in my opinion. Originally Posted by DNinja69
What, finding a corrupt prosecutor in a jurisdiction where innocence is almost impossible to achieve because of the race and demographics of the voters?

No better in NYC either.

Can't find a crime, create one, somewhere you are likely to get a conviction.

Or not, as happened in the Old South where a white Democrat on trial for a lyching of a black man, no convictions, either.
DNinja69's Avatar
Not really relevant to my comment but that is par for the course with Jan 6 supporters. Trump absolutely incited now whether he did so to a criminal level that is another question. He also crossed a number of legal lines in his effort to control the outcome of the 2020 election and no matter what any Democrat did Trump deserves a chance to present his case to justify those efforts just as Biden deserves that chance with all his Hunter dirty dealings.

Trump is many things but innocent isn't one of them. Now what he might be actually GUILTY of maybe not much. Good thing Georgia has given him an opportunity to clear his name.
@tommy156 If you are asking do I believe Trump is guilty of inciting the events of Jan 6 I do indeed but to me impeachment was not the best way to proceed. What is happening in Georgia is much more appropriate in my opinion. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Fair enough. I think both are appropriate, but what's happening in Georgia is probably more important.
Not so sure Nixon had a soul?
But the republican party of the day had a spine and knew a criminal offence when they saw it and acted telling Nixon that he no longer had they're support!
Had they done what these bozo's are doing that pass for the republican party now a days Nixon may have acted in the same manner as cowardly treasonous trump!
Nixon said and did some of the same things trump had done when he first realized he was in trouble.
But his own party put the kabosh that shit quickly! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
All good points, but Republicans tried that with trump too (in the beginning, at least) and trump's cult of knuckle dragging voters made sure those particular Republicans were shown the door.

There just weren't enough decent Republicans left when trump took over.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen time to get back on the threads intended topic
berryberry's Avatar
Long list of evidence for Senile Biden’s impeachment inquiry

• Hunter’s business partners & associates met in the White House over 80 times when Biden was VP.

• Biden on the phone call with Hunter’s business associates at least 20 times as VP.

• Hunter taking trips to at least 15 countries when his dad was VP and subsequently meeting with business associates on multiple occasions.

• Senile Biden meeting IN PERSON with Hunter Business partners and a Moscow mayor’s wife who subsequently wired $3.5 million to Hunter’s firm and then avoided Russian sanctions under his presidency.

• Senile Biden meeting with Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskiy in 2015 which prompted his turn on the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office.

• Senile Biden was “the brand” behind Hunter’s influence-peddling operation.

• Hunter Biden cashed in on his father’s name to the tune of millions of dollars.

• Senile Biden used three different pseudonyms to exchange official government information with Hunter Biden: Robert L. Peters, Robin Ware, JRB Ware.

• A “trusted” and “reliable” source in the FBI provided testimony that both Hunter and Senile Biden participated in a $5 million international bribery scheme.

• There are bank records and shell company statements showing multiple suspicious transactions amounting to over $20 million to the Bidens.

• An email trail shows that Hunter Biden sought ’10 held by H for the Big Guy’ – the Big Guy meaning Joe Biden according to multiple witnesses.

• Hunter Biden described Joe Biden as an office mate and then listed Chairman Ye of CEFC as his partner.

• Business associate Rob Walker told the FBI that Senile Biden met personally with CEFC business members.

• CCP-connected businessmen, including spies, sent millions of dollars and even a diamond to the Bidens as part of the influence-peddling scheme.

• The Bidens set up elaborate methods of hiding these illicit Chinese payments.

• Hunter business associates implicated that Senile Biden was involved but not to mention it because “they are paranoid.”

• Senile Biden wrote a recommendation for the daughter of a Hunter business partner to get into Georgetown.

• Senile Biden met with Hunter’s Mexican business associates on Air Force 2.

• IRS whistleblower investigating Hunter Biden’s business affairs testified that Biden-appointed D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves refused to charge Hunter Biden in his jurisdiction and allowed the statute of limitations to pass for specific tax charges.

• IRS whistleblower on the Hunter Biden case Joseph Ziegler testified how the Bidens were given preferential treatment during the Justice Department’s investigation. Both IRS whistleblowers confirmed they were not allowed to follow evidence that could have led to Senile Biden.

• Hunter Biden lamented to his daughter in a 2019 text message that he was giving Senile Biden “half” his salary.

• Emails between Hunter and his business partner Eric Schwerin detail bill payments for ‘JRB’ – believed to be Joseph Robinette Biden – incidentally one of Senile Biden’s pseudonyms was JRB Ware.
.... And THAT'S just to this point!

Wonder what new revelation might be revealed tomorrow??

"Inquiry" minds surely want to know...

#### Salty