Blacklisted?-Leaving the Hobby Soon

I will be leaving the hobby soon (not that it matters). Seems I may have been blacklisted pretty early on, not very sure why. That's not the reason for my leaving. It's more personal. I have approximately 2 months left before my departure (maybe sooner because eccie has been a waste of my time). Sad to say but I've made waaaaaaaaaay! More from bp than eccie. However, I won't be found there either. I will continue to see a few regulars and maybe try to travel out of state but I will be leaving permanently. If you'd like to see me please contact the phone on my showcase not in reviews or PM me.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
BP has been my main money maker, Eccie is just an extra place to post. Without BP, I wouldn't make the cash that I do.

Not sure what you mean by "Blacklisted". Always sucks to see someone go but I do wish you the best wherever life takes you. Be well, be safe!
Thank you MB. I'm excited to be preparing to leave because of the reason I'm leaving. If not for an opportunity to advance in another area of my life I'd be staying because I make great money from bp.
Sidinman78's Avatar
Good luck and much success in whatever you do.
Wishing you much success in what ever you decide to do!!
Damnit! I hate to hear that. Hope I can cya before you leave or am I missing something??
Wishing you the best in all your endeavors!!!!!
good luck girl
I feel like I'm missing something.
I do too. Who administers the blacklist and where is it kept?
Wasn't aware there was such a thing as an official blacklist... Are you sure it's not just the slowness that nearly everyone is complaining about?

Anyway hun, good luck to you in whatever you decide to do.
Huh, blacklist?
Put me on the list
because it makes
for good publicity.
Martha Stewart went
to prison and it helped
her get national
Men like bad girls.
You're delicious! Don't go!
For those of you who are unaware being blacklisted means to be on a list of "do not contact contacts ". It's not something good because usually being "blacklisted" isn't a private thing. Usually it's shared among a group of individuals sharing the same interests or motive. Sometimes the fact that I'm a few credits from having an accounting degree makes me use Martian words like blacklisted and remuneration....
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I understand what you mean now. I was "backlisted" in my adult modeling job by a few studios because I asked too many questions about reliability, displaying limits and respect. They don't like girls with a brain lol.

Anyway, good luck wherever you go from here.