F1 Sex Trafficking Operation?

DainBramaged's Avatar
Just ran across this article online and thought I'd share it...


13 prostitution-related arrests over the weekend as a result of this seemingly major operation involving 7 state and federal LE agencies, 8 victim services providers, and a research team from UT.

The article includes two telling statements: first that the number of arrests was "average for any weekend", and secondly (and probably most important) that they "want to try the efforts again during another major event or on a regular weekend."

What I saw as the funniest statement was the one about the "demand was just not there", and that the "increased publicity campaign on sex trafficking" ... "kept pimps away."

So it looks like they tried to up their game this past weekend and want to rattle their sabers some more. Be vigilant out there...
Whispers's Avatar
this was the most interesting comment.

"a research team from the School of Social Work at the University of Texas. All authorities centered on undercover operations targeting online sex solicitation."
Ranchhand's Avatar
Lets see now, (7) State and Federal agencys, (8) victim services providers, and a researh team from the University of Texas. (13) total arrests. Im thinking this could have been done with much fewer law enforcement. I may be wrong but that could probably be a average weekend with just the normal police force. I wonder how much it cost the city of Austin to make (all) these arrests to get these hardened criminals off the streets. Sometimes Law enforcement boggles my mind. Im all for stopping human trafficking, but this borders on the rediculous. Ranch
"8 VICTIM service providers" We all obviously know the defination of a girl who's trafficked and one who is a provider. They call us all victims yet have no problem slapping cuffs on you and charging you ungodly amounts of $ for charges . I think, in some cases, they could possibly make you register as a sex offfender?? It's so backwards. Why not go after all the obvious establishments that really do have trafficked girls? I can understand going after some leads in which there are suspected pimps and young girls BUT Indies??? Come on pftt!
PSW1995's Avatar
I saw the artical this morning, what a waste of Tax payers dollars. 13 arrests!!! Really?? "Human Traffic-ing" is a joke. It is part of the war on sex workers. The only way out is to say you are a "victim" cause somehow that is better. Forget that. Now I know they are looking for young ladies and pimps, but really this cry of save the children has been around for a hundred years. At first it was to warm young women from the big cities about brothels in the west. Hey I walked into this industry with my eyes wide open. I made the choice to do what I do. You should look at prop 35 in California. If you get busted and it is a felony offense, not only do you have to register as a sex offender but anyone who used your money has to register as well, this means everyone from your children to your landlord. well why not the gas company? Or my cell phone provider ? It is utter bullshit, having legal prostitution is something the state can benifit from. I am not a fan of the Nevada model (partly because there are too many men in a woman's world.) I like the idea of equal protection under the law. Also I am for regular testing of the women in the industry, not at the rate that NV does it because I believe it is over kill. But yes testing should be part of the program. New Orleans did very well with StoreyVille until the Navy shut it down. Anyways I have gone on too long. Just wanted to add my part. The task force for the F1 weekend was a joke. Again what a waste of our tax payer dollars. I promise y'all when I finally get a chance as a lawyer I am going to change that shit. Now it aint going to be anytime soon, but I am on the march. Have a great day everyone.
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 11-20-2012, 10:48 AM
Federal law enforcement does this on a regular basis at big events (Superbowl). They are trying to get pimps who are moving girls over state lines and people who are selling women into prostitution in exchange for passage to the US.