the lame ducks & their herder

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Like the things that are getting voted on or not you have to say that at least they are voting their ass off. Common who would have thought they'd be doing weekend votes & hell that they would even be there Weds & actually voting. What say you
ICTguy32's Avatar
yeah - the government gave themselves the power through the FCC to enforce content and network accessibility powers.

great Wall Street Journal article about it.

The Berkman Center's FCC- commissioned report, "Next Generation Connectivity," wound up being funded in large part by the Ford and MacArthur foundations. So some of the same foundations that have spent years funding net neutrality advocacy research ended up funding the FCC-commissioned study that evaluated net neutrality research.
The FCC's "National Broadband Plan," released last spring, included only five citations of respected think tanks such as the International Technology and Innovation Foundation or the Brookings Institution. But the report cited research from liberal groups such as Free Press, Public Knowledge, Pew and the New America Foundation more than 50 times.
So the "media reform" movement paid for research that backed its views, paid activists to promote the research, saw its allies installed in the FCC and other key agencies, and paid for the FCC research that evaluated the research they had already paid for. Now they have their policy. That's quite a coup.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Kc is that good or bad will I still be able to get free porn on
dirty dog's Avatar
Kc is that good or bad will I still be able to get free porn on Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
You shouldn't because it's theft, just because its on the net does not mean its okay to steal what you want.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
I don't think its theft i think makes money by promoting other sites if I am wrong don't tell its not wrong if I don't know
ICTguy32's Avatar
In my opinion it is bad. It is a giant power grab by the government to control what they feel the public is allowed to view on the web. So if something is deemed "objectionable" by the bureaucrats at the FCC then they will have the power to pull it off the web. They can shut down anyone they want. Porn, Political speech, scientific theory they don't agree with..
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
I might not like some of the legislation, but at least they are not declaring themselves a lame duck and resigning.
dirty dog's Avatar
I don't think its theft i think makes money by promoting other sites if I am wrong don't tell its not wrong if I don't know Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
The video's are stolen, they are used without the permission of the owner, its called copyright theft,

Tell you what Cheaper, if you were a singer and you wrote a song, spent the money to record it and it became popular would you want to have people put it on the internet for free. Better yet, you paid for your vehicle, I going to come over tonight and take it and drive it for a day and then give it to someome else to drive it and so on and so on but you keep making the payments. See my point. Its theft.
dirty dog's Avatar
In my opinion it is bad. It is a giant power grab by the government to control what they feel the public is allowed to view on the web. So if something is deemed "objectionable" by the bureaucrats at the FCC then they will have the power to pull it off the web. They can shut down anyone they want. Porn, Political speech, scientific theory they don't agree with.. Originally Posted by KCguy32
Have they done this on TV i.e. FOX, MSNBC, last I checked the Science chanel and Nat geo is still running strong, its just parinoia.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
dirty god please come steal my car the insurance the goverment makes me have is killing me plus I have full coverage so please wreak it good. But hay if I am stealing its got to be my smallest sin.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 12-22-2010, 04:00 PM
I agree it's theft of intellectual property. The porn industry used to make billions, but the internet killed a lot of it. Some sites give away teaser trailers, so I'm guessing those are allright to view. If the porn industry had their act together, they could shut down the sites giving away copyrighted material, much like the recording industry did to napster.
dirty dog's Avatar
I agree it's theft of intellectual property. The porn industry used to make billions, but the internet killed a lot of it. Some sites give away teaser trailers, so I'm guessing those are allright to view. If the porn industry had their act together, they could shut down the sites giving away copyrighted material, much like the recording industry did to napster. Originally Posted by KCJoe
Actually its very hard to do, they have to sue each individual company under the current laws, right now there are over 150 suits in progress, if you check out Limewire you will see its been shut down, this is the result of their being sued and charged with promoting copywrite theft, they had to pay 1.8 mil I think. But the legal process takes forever, it will require federal intervention and forcing ISP to filter the downloading of copywrite material through bit torrent sites and others. Even if they stopped 50% it might save the industry, but dont beleive what they tell you on MSNBC its not longer a 4 billion dollar industry when you have the upper end production companies for example like West Coast Productions now making 6 to 8 movies a month instead of the 25 to 30 they were making 3 years ago. When there is no money left to be made the industry is going to return to how it was i the late 70's and 80's with underground crap thats not worth a fuck and that costs you 80.00 to buy. I have been in this industry for over 25 years and I have seen the beginning and I beleive now I am seeing the end.

They may have shut down Napster but it was replaced with 20 new ones.