Question regarding Free Rent for Women

I have contemplated, as a single male, taking up a two bedroom apartment and putting in an ad for a female roommate "Rent Free". Has anyone done this type of arrangement before? Was it great arrangement, decent arrangement, or do you have nightmares about it? I am especial concerned with the possible le problems that might come with it or evicting the person as a roommate because the girl didn't contribute or brings far too much damage or le problems to the apartment. Thoughts, suggestions, opinions?
blk07lac's Avatar
Several people have ads on craigslist for such situations and I'm not sure what types of ladies that would attract. I know that the ads do look creepy as hell though...
Onatop's Avatar
I have seen ads depends what the situation is.I doubt if a female would take up the offer if there were certain obligations depends on the two what they agree on, I aspect if a gentlemen wants a female for legit barter for free rent - like house work, meal preparation, etc., and both have different private bedrooms, baths, etc., then nothing wrong with it if the two are content with such. I leave home when dark even during the summer months and just now (8:20 PM I am back home) by the time I make a little supper, a load of laundry, read emails, mail, shower it is time for bed - 4AM comes around early again - so yes in my case a female house keeper would work great - one that is needing to get on their feet financially and really I am not home enough to call it home, But there are trust factors, a drive or walking basement type of downstairs apartment would separate both private lives. But if it were trade for room and keep then it would not work the best after time - few would take a person or man up on such but depends who strapped a person is for money. In short I have thought about it now and then placing an ad - but I doubt if I will due to the trust factor being away so much without knowing ones background history.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just on the legitimate side there are problems. You may be on the lease but if you invite someone to stay with you they get certain rights as soon as they move in. You no longer have the power to ask them to leave, you have to evict them if they want to fight it. You can't turn off the A/C, water, TV, or whatever because that is harassment. You have to go through the courts to evict and if the courts think that there was a quid pro quo for sex......who knows what happens next.

You had better be real good friends and you had better be completely up front with what you expect. Get it in writing even if you never have to show it.
Just on the legitimate side there are problems. You may be on the lease but if you invite someone to stay with you they get certain rights as soon as they move in. You no longer have the power to ask them to leave, you have to evict them if they want to fight it. You can't turn off the A/C, water, TV, or whatever because that is harassment. You have to go through the courts to evict and if the courts think that there was a quid pro quo for sex......who knows what happens next.

You had better be real good friends and you had better be completely up front with what you expect. Get it in writing even if you never have to show it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Laws vary by state, but tenants have rights that can cause issues if it doesn't work out.
Check out the case of the nanny in California that the family can't evict even though she refuses to work. If it's a FWB arrangement, that could be even touchier.
One other thing to consider, if she trashes the place, causes problems with neighbors, etc you will be the one liable so it could be you getting evicted or paying out of pocket to repair any damage she causes.

An arrangement like this could be mutually beneficial in the right circumstances, but look very carefully before you leap.
GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead's Avatar
In my opinion it is always best to know who you will be living with. I have had a few roommates that I knew very well before them moving in and it was always a good situation. I had two roommates that I barely new, (they were hot what else can I say) and it was a disaster. Getting to know someone while living with them is not always the best thing and can lead to more aggravation then it is worth.

Looks tend to go away pretty quickly when you realize that they never clean up after themselves, use all your food, soap, shampoo, toilet paper etc.. without replacing any of it, have annoying habits like leaving the refrigerator open or all the lights and TV on all the time. Then lets get into what they watch or if they expect to use your computers or tablets all the time because they don't have one or if they bring random guys to fuck on your sofa or even worse your bed while you aren't there because you have an extremely comfortable and ex[pensive bed. The list goes on and on and it just isn't worth it to me, but who knows, maybe you will hit the jackpot and get a gorgeous woman who cleans after herself, cooks for you and doesn't fuck anyone but you...seriously though, bad idea.

Now if you are talking about having a provider that you don't know room with you for free...just don't do it. Any provider worth anything would not take you up on that offer in the first place. What you will end up with is getting taken advantage of, probably stolen from and maybe even hurt, (physically emotional and financially).
Helicopter206's Avatar
All I have to say is:
Judge Judy. (Watch & Learn) my friend.
Thank you all for your replies. I presumed it was more fantasy than practical. sigh. I'm so practical.
pyramider's Avatar
You don't have any sisters do you? If you did, you never would have asked the question.
You don't have any sisters do you? If you did, you never would have asked the question. Originally Posted by pyramider