Everything said has to be glowing or you'll get a warning our infraction.

Come to find out everything is against board rules...except for positive glowing reviews and offers to give your money to providers for nothing in exchange.

The randomness of the warnings and infections are just silly. How would a moderator know if what you said is "factual" or not. Wouldn't it be prudent to ask for proof before giving a random warning. How are these warnings judged. Is there a vote in which the majority wins or does a moderator just see something and say hey warning.

I find it laughable that a place in which we describe our activities in this the lowest form morals ohhh wait 'hobbying' gives warnings for saying horrible and worst.
For someone that has been here for 2 weeks, you sure like to stir up the pooh. Go away now.
zeejoe's Avatar
LOL- IN 3....2.....1.....
reorox's Avatar
Lolercoatser.... are you gonna take your ball and go home ?
For someone that has been here for 2 weeks, you sure like to stir up the pooh. Go away now. Originally Posted by Vildara
So you're telling me that because I question things I should go away? Who does that...even tho you've only been on here a few weeks before me you're an expert. I wonder what you consider sitting up "pooh"?
LOL- IN 3....2.....1.....
Originally Posted by zeejoe
I read the forum guidelines and according to the guidelines this post is allowed. The guidelines state I can post in a public forum as long as I'm not disrespectful or abusive.

I've not said anything negative I simply asked a question to bring light to the subject.
Silverchair's Avatar
I find the rules pretty simple to follow:
1. Don't be a douchebag
2. Don't make accusations in open threads
3. Don't bring up anything illegal in threads
4. Don't jeopardize the anonymity and safety of members/providers by revealing personal/private info
5. Don't be a douchebag

And lastly...
6. Show respect - and don't be a douchebag.

Pretty damn simple if you ask me.
Wheaton's Law
I find the rules pretty simple to follow:
1. Don't be a douchebag
2. Don't make accusations in open threads
3. Don't bring up anything illegal in threads
4. Don't jeopardize the anonymity and safety of members/providers by revealing personal/private info
5. Don't be a douchebag

And lastly...
6. Show respect - and don't be a douchebag.

Pretty damn simple if you ask me. Originally Posted by Silverchair
lol...so without knowing me or seeing anything I've done disrespectful you feel comfortable enough to call me a douchbag. Ahhhh the comforts of anonymity enjoy it my friend.

I'll never understand why people attack ones character without knowing that character...hummm.
Wheaton's Law Originally Posted by Vildara
Because you wrote this you indeed know this was the issue?
lol...so without knowing me or seeing anything I've done disrespectful you feel comfortable enough to call me a douchbag. Ahhhh the comforts of anonymity enjoy it my friend.

I'll never understand why people attack ones character without knowing that character...hummm. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
I had to laugh at your response. It certainly doesnt seem that you are very objective when it comes to his post. Those are some simple rules to avoid points. If you follow them it is not very likely that you will get points as a guy. Calm down buddy and try to act a little less guilty.

Another rule of thumb to avoid future problems is if you have an issue with the points obtained ask for clarification if you dont understand why and if you dont agree escalate the issue. Dont flail your arms around by starting a passive aggressive thread. It will not help your cause and only make you lose credibility.
I had to laugh at your response. It certainly doesnt seem that you are very objective when it comes to his post. Those are some simple rules to avoid points. If you follow them it is not very likely that you will get points as a guy. Calm down buddy and try to act a little less guilty.

Another rule of thumb to avoid future problems is if you have an issue with the points obtained ask for clarification if you dont understand why and if you dont agree escalate the issue. Dont flail your arms around by starting a passive aggressive thread. It will not help your cause and only make you lose credibility. Originally Posted by bigryan2222
Just to be clear I have no points.

I have asked for clarification of the warning and I'm in the process of going to the next step.

Lose credibility with what...I'm on an anonymous board for paid services from females that sell their body...is there any credibility in that...that's a joke right. I mean if push came to shove I'd just make a fake email, write a false review, criticize this post and gain instant credibility...lol...is that credibility. How can one have any sense of the word credibility when everything you do is anonymous.lol...
KenMonk's Avatar
lol...so without knowing me or seeing anything I've done disrespectful you feel comfortable enough to call me a douchbag. Ahhhh the comforts of anonymity enjoy it my friend.

I'll never understand why people attack ones character without knowing that character...hummm. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
This is somewhat amusing coming from you. Your "holier than thou" complex is something you may want to work on in the future.

As for infractions, the reason as to why you accrued them should have been, and most likely was, sent to you along with the length of time those infractions would remain on your profile. Thousands of individuals here have gotten their point across (even really nasty ones) without being accessed infractions, I suppose it is a learned skill, but if you pay attention you may find it a useful one.

Good luck in your endeavors to "change the hooker world".
Just to be clear I have no points.

I have asked for clarification of the warning and I'm in the process of going to the next step.

Lose credibility with what...I'm on an anonymous board for paid services from females that sell their body...is there any credibility in that...that's a joke right. I mean if push came to shove I'd just make a fake email, write a false review, criticize this post and gain instant credibility...lol...is that credibility. How can one have any sense of the word credibility when everything you do is anonymous.lol... Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Your response is really funny considering one of your posts in a review recently.

JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 07-03-2014, 03:43 PM
Well I won't call you a douchbag, your handle says it all. See what happens ladies and gentleman when we let too many of "those people" in here.