Holding Escorts Responsible...


Not sure if the Co-Ed section is okay for me to place this news story. If not, mods please move this to the appropriate area.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Oh no! Real names... Grab the torches and pitchforks.
Crap you are right! Mods please remove the link for me. Sorry about that. Oops :-(

Go to Kansas City Star online, and look for the article on the escort charged with manslaughter of a Google Executive on his yacht after she injected him with a lethal dose of ********. Then she just grabbed her stuff, and walked away leaving him to die without calling 911 to help him. It was said that she's suspected of doing this crap before to other men in need of medical attention. His yacht had cameras, and the whole horrific incident is ALL on video that police have taken into evidence.
Then she just grabbed her stuff, and walked away... Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
Not without finishing her wine first, though! Must have been good wine!

And, she had to step over the guy dying to make her exit!

She sure didn't look like a $1000/night hooker in those pictures in the story, did she? I guess to some of these Silicon Valley execs, $1000 is no big deal.
Not without finishing her wine first, though! Must have been good wine!

And, she had to step over the guy dying to make her exit!

She sure didn't look like a $1000/night hooker in those pictures in the story, did she? I guess to some of these Silicon Valley execs, $1000 is no big deal. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
It's sickening! I about flipped when I read that they could see that on the video.

The sad thing is that at one point this was an innocent little girl who played with her My Little Pony dolls, and fantasized about having a Cinderella Wedding.

Then the childhood "shit storm" hits her life, and Wah-Lah fast forward... you get this story. I will bet a million dollars that something fucked up this girl's life early on for her to be able to be so cold and callous towards men like that. How can you not at least call 911? How do you not even try to call ANYONE to see if she could help? She just left him to die like it was business as usual. How do you live with the guilt from something like that, if there is any guilt felt at all?

Another huge topic is the serious rise in ********** in the US recently. I don't know if anyone is aware, but ******* is running rampant in the US. Do people not realize that your brain will NOT be able to become non-addicted to *********? ******************* are in the same category of addiction, and rarely does one get off of them to live a normal life. Their brain will always NEED that to produce certain "feel good" chemicals again. It's Dangerous, and my advice would be if you just have to use ****** then, PLEASE DO NOT USE **********

There is a provider and a hobbyist that volunteer with me at a center that helps the homeless. It is so very sad to see these people strung out on ******* You can practically look through their eyes. They are like walking zombies. We make our families go with us too so they can see the "real" world problems that people are just trying to sweep under the rug to keep out of the public eye. These were at one time people with homes, families and jobs. Now they are homeless people who just exist. D**gs Are Bad, M'Kay!
zeejoe's Avatar
I sure hope somebody mis-representing themself as a mod will step up and spam the thread with five pages of bullshit over this.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
nothing wrong with the link, its in many areas of the board.
ElumEno's Avatar
I sure hope somebody mis-representing themself as a mod will step up and spam the thread with five pages of bullshit over this. Originally Posted by zeejoe
HEY... oh wait, you were not talking about me, never mind... carry on.

Popcorn anyone?
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
nothing wrong with the link, its in many areas of the board. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Agreed. Sorry, I thought my sarcasm was obvious.
JRLawrence's Avatar
She sure didn't look like a $1000/night hooker in those pictures in the story, did she? I guess to some of these Silicon Valley execs, $1000 is no big deal. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Don't say anything about that, please. There are a lot of ladies here in KC that are a lot better looking, and treat you nice (thank you Kaylen). So, let's not give these ladies any thought of raising their donations. Thank you very much.

noleftturn's Avatar
Way too many variables in her childhood to determine who taught her to use people and discard them when they no longer serve her purpose. No look of remorse in the two pics posted. It was just business as usual. Damn those cameras!
This situation does raise an interesting moral question. Forget the drugs aspect of the story. I suspect many of us hobbyists are getting upwards in age where general health issues could unexpectedly arise during an interlude with a provider. Given the nature of the hobby, I wonder how many providers would do the same thing, run fast and run away? Versus those that at a minimum would call 911 make sure help was coming.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Are either of the people mentioned in the media link Eccie members?

The PT mentions are a rule violation regardless.
It's sickening! I about flipped when I read that they could see that on the video.

The sad thing is that at one point this was an innocent little girl who played with her My Little Pony dolls, and fantasized about having a Cinderella Wedding.

Then the childhood "shit storm" hits her life, and Wah-Lah fast forward... you get this story. I will bet a million dollars that something fucked up this girl's life early on for her to be able to be so cold and callous towards men like that. How can you not at least call 911? How do you not even try to call ANYONE to see if she could help? She just left him to die like it was business as usual. How do you live with the guilt from something like that, if there is any guilt felt at all?

Another huge topic is the serious rise in ********** in the US recently. I don't know if anyone is aware, but ******* is running rampant in the US. Do people not realize that your brain will NOT be able to become non-addicted to *********? ******************* are in the same category of addiction, and rarely does one get off of them to live a normal life. Their brain will always NEED that to produce certain "feel good" chemicals again. It's Dangerous, and my advice would be if you just have to use ****** then, PLEASE DO NOT USE **********

There is a provider and a hobbyist that volunteer with me at a center that helps the homeless. It is so very sad to see these people strung out on ******* You can practically look through their eyes. They are like walking zombies. We make our families go with us too so they can see the "real" world problems that people are just trying to sweep under the rug to keep out of the public eye. These were at one time people with homes, families and jobs. Now they are homeless people who just exist. D**gs Are Bad, M'Kay! Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
Dahlia.....oh boy you are in so much trouble......spanky spank!
DallasRain's Avatar
what a crazy world we live in!