We are change

joe bloe's Avatar
The notion that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition is silly. The process of controlled demolition would have required sawing through hundreds of steel support beams and placing explosives throughout the twin towers. Many people would have been required to accomplish the task over an extended period ot time. A conspiracy of silence would be necessary to cover up the crime. No one has come forward with real evidence of the alleged crime.

Conspiracies are fun to believe in. The believers feel special, as if they're a part of a group of superior enlightened people. Their belief in the conspiracy gives them a feeling of self worth. It's kind of a hobby, they read conspiracy books, they go conspiracy web sites, and they spread their theories to others with a kind of enthusiasm usually found only in religious zealots seeking to convert their neighbors to join in their holy crusade.

The World Trade Center was brought down by Islamic terrorists. George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't do it. We need to stop being distracted by silly conspiracy theories. We are in a war with Islamic terrorism. The next attack on American soil may well be nuclear or biological weapons that will make 911 seem pale by comparison.

Long story short, we as a race are evolving, IQ on average has increased 3points every 10 years. Horse and buggy to the moon in less than 100 years? I am excited to evolve.
Long story short, we as a race are evolving, IQ on average has increased 3points every 10 years. Horse and buggy to the moon in less than 100 years? I am excited to evolve. Originally Posted by Zada Knight
Don't get too excited. In about 35-40 years you are going to be worm dirt. LOL
joe bloe's Avatar
Long story short, we as a race are evolving, IQ on average has increased 3points every 10 years. Horse and buggy to the moon in less than 100 years? I am excited to evolve. Originally Posted by Zada Knight
You seem like you might be interested in Ray Kurzweil's theory of what he calls the "singularity". It's similar to the idea of increasing human intelligence. Kurzweil believes that we will make an enormous leap forward in human progress in the next twenty years, because of artificial intelligence.

The singularity has to do with computers aquiring self awareness and the ability to actually think like humans except with no limits on intelligence. Imagine a computer that has the ability to think creatively like a human except with an IQ of one trillion instead of one hundred. Kurzweil says it's coming within the next twenty years, and when it does, technological advances will explode; this is what he calls the singularity. Kurzweil says that the singularity will be the most important event in human history.



CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Zada, you are getting into some dangerous territory. The crazies will come out. I think you are right on target, but just be careful out there.
thank you cute old guy.

Joe, I watched the video's, thank you for taking the time to post them. I do not agree, simply because he is not considering the human spirit. Thank you again though.
joe bloe's Avatar
thank you cute old guy.

Joe, I watched the video's, thank you for taking the time to post them. I do not agree, simply because he is not considering the human spirit. Thank you again though. Originally Posted by Zada Knight
You may be right about the human spirit factor. That's the big question. Is consciousness (self awareness) a divine spark or is consciousness simply generated by the brain. I'm not totally convinced one way or the other. But I'm leaning towards the latter.

Kurzweil himself says that ultimately it will never be possible to confirm that a computer has reached self awareness since the experience is completely subjective. We'll just have to take their word for it I guess.
joe bloe's Avatar
Zada, you are getting into some dangerous territory. The crazies will come out. I think you are right on target, but just be careful out there. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I resemble that remark!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have to point out that the average IQ is still 100 and hasn't changed in years. No it is not on a sliding scale.
joe bloe's Avatar
I have to point out that the average IQ is still 100 and hasn't changed in years. No it is not on a sliding scale. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The average IQ for blacks is 85. The average IQ for orientals is 102. The average IQ for whites is 100. Like all races, blacks have a full range of intelligence from retarded to genius, but their average IQ is significantly below the average of other groups.

The black's lower IQ score is genetic. This lower score is not just in America but in countries all over the world. This is the factor that drives much of the racial tension in America. Blacks continue to underperform in tasks that require intelligence. Political correctness prevents us from acknowledging the real cause of black's inability to compete successfully in academics and in jobs requiring advanced reasoning. Consequently, we continue to blame racism for the black's continuing failure to fully assimilate. We play a kind of game about race relations in America. White people know what the real problem is but dare not say it for fear of being labeled a racist. Most blacks probably realize what the real problem is but will never acknowledge it because it's humiliating.

Affirmative action has been practiced since 1971 in the United States. When affirmative action was first implemented it was viewed as temporary program to help blacks and other racial groups to assimilate into the work force and into academics. It was never intended to be a permanent program. Unfortunately the underlying problem that keeps blacks from successfully competing for employment and in academic performance is permanent.

LovingKayla's Avatar
Joe you just wait till the parrot gets up and sees this.

u is ded meet budy
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe you just wait till the parrot gets up and sees this.

u is ded meet budy Originally Posted by LovingKayla

I'm looking forward to a spirited debate. It's always invigorating to be challenged by such an intellect. I'm sure his language will be colorfull. No doubt I'll be called honkkkee, kkkrakkker, muthafukkka, etc. Profanity is always the preferred weapon of wise and civilized people.

I'm just honored that AF is willing to find time to respond to my posts. I'm sure his busy schedule of home invasion robberies, waiting in line at the welfare office, running ho's, smoking crack, and drinking himself into a malt liquor induced stupor leaves him with little spare time.
Diverdown69's Avatar
I think Zada's post on increased IQ was meant to be for the entire "human race", not just white folk.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think Zada's post on increased IQ was meant to be for the entire "human race", not just white folk. Originally Posted by Diverdown69
That's probably true. As nutrition improves (less famine) IQ's improve. Malnutrition in infancy can cause decreased IQ for life.