What? No comments on a white man getting Eric Holder's ballot?

mastermind238's Avatar
Eric "we don't need no stinking voter ID" Holder had his ballot stolen. Yep, a white guy gave Eric Holder's name and address and got a ballot. No comments from the lefties who deny the possibility that voter fraud is common enough to justify photo ID laws?



When it's this easy to do, and almost impossible to detect and prosecute, what good are all the arguments based on a scarcity of convictions for voter fraud? Better safe than sorry, right?

Fact is, I've seen voter fraud on a massive scale with my own eyes, in Wisconsin - where photo ID wasn't required, and same-day registration at the polling place was allowed. I was simply warned not to speak up about it because of the threat of bankrupting DOJ lawsuits.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That is funny. The libs will avoid comment, or blame it on Bush. But it is still funny.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-09-2012, 04:37 PM
the Beerfart vids arent exactly credible

neither are ID cards for that matter

but hell, if insisting on having a smaller government means creatiing a bigger one I say go for it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So it's a lie? Let's see your evidence, or are you going to continue to hide behind WTF's petticoat?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-09-2012, 04:40 PM
So it's a lie? Let's see your evidence, or are you going to continue to hide behind WTF's petticoat? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I didnt say that ... comprehension problens ?
Holder is such a clueless idiot.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-09-2012, 04:48 PM

but hell, if insisting on having a smaller government means creatiing a bigger one I say go for it. Originally Posted by CJ7
Well call tthat Tea Logic 101!
joe bloe's Avatar
This is why the Democrats do so well with the dead vote. Dead people have always voted in block for the Democrats. Democrats know the voter rolls have a significant number of dead people on them. They just get a list of people that died in the last year or so in a particular district and send in their union goons or winos and voila more Democrat votes!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-09-2012, 05:06 PM
This is why the Democrats do so well with the dead vote. Dead people have always voted in block for the Democrats. Democrats know the voter rolls have a significant number of dead people on them. They just get a list of people that died in the last year or so in a particular district and send in their union goons or winos and voila more Democrat votes! Originally Posted by joe bloe
yeah ... dems


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, it's becoming more who counts the votes than who votes. Since both sides are experts at vote rigging, let's not even bother to vote, and see who wins. Still, the Eric Holder bit is funny. But voter fraud is not limited to Democrats. Both sides are well adept at it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-09-2012, 05:12 PM
fake ID's will fix it ALL...
mastermind238's Avatar
... voter fraud is not limited to Democrats. Both sides are well adept at it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No argument with the first part. But the second part is demonstrably not true. John Fund and others have very thoroughly documented known instances of attempted or actual voter fraud - by BOTH major parties. But the record is clear - the vast majority of it has been done by Dems.

Mr. Fund is a long-time activist for HONEST elections. He is a conservative, but it would NOT serve his main objective to discount instances of voter fraud by Republicans. The more voter fraud he is able to document - by ANY party - the stronger is his argument that we need to take measures to prevent it. The fact that voter fraud is perpetrated predominantly by Dems may be a bitter pill for some to swallow. So be it. But let's not soft-peddle the message by saying both parties are equally "adept at it."
joe bloe's Avatar
yeah ... dems


Originally Posted by CJ7
This is known as a man bites dog story.
mastermind238's Avatar
Yeah, it's becoming more who counts the votes than who votes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This couldn't be more true. And the fact is that more and more our votes are being counted by a private company in Spain. Check this out, then do some Googling of SCYTL/SOE.

I'm waiting for one of the states that passed a voter ID law, which was challenged by the DOJ, to move for dismissal for lack of standing.

See, the DOJ by definition isn't hurt by the voter ID laws. They have to present a client who will be hurt by them. Now, how to get the client into the courtroom, when it takes an ID to get into the building, meaning that if the client actually shows up in the courtroom, he/she OBVIOUSLY has the required ID and therefore has no standing to sue.

Considering the number of times Obama's lawyers have gotten birther suits thrown out for lack of standing, it should be interesting. (You copy down the DOJ response, and you use it, word for word, at the next birther suit standing motion hearing.)