I'd tell that whiny little brat to suck it up or change the channel, It's NPR!! It's the news and that includes politics- I can't believe some snotty little child is relevant enough to make it on Politico- then again almost anything makes the news nowadays.
My disbelief is directed at a news (NPR) organization that would offer up an apology to a brat you describe as snooty !

Politico is just reporting the story.
LexusLover's Avatar
NPR is "news" ... now that is NEWS.
I hate how people try to de-legitimize an organization just because it has opposing views. I hate Fox but I still consider them news, but shit like a less than 30 second video of a child crying and complaining is that really news? All this shit we have going on in the world...
Don't let your kids watch the news...
Fox is news? I thought it was an entertainment channel. All media in the U.S. is biased, but Fox takes the cake. Some of their headlines read like the National Enquirer. I guess some people just believe anything they read.
Fox is news? I thought it was an entertainment channel. All media in the U.S. is biased, but Fox takes the cake. Some of their headlines read like the National Enquirer. I guess some people just believe anything they read. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Does anyone care what icuminmyownass thinks?
It seems like you do since you have to post a response. Do you actually think before you post? Not looking too sharp there.
LexusLover's Avatar
I hate how people try to de-legitimize an organization just because it has opposing views. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Organizations "de-legitimize" themselves with their "opposing views" ... unfortunately, organizations do notdraw a distinct line between the reporting of ALL the facts regarding an event or incident and reporting the organizations OPINION about what happened and/or selectively reporting FACTS while selectively not reporting other FACTS in order to influence audience attitudes or in order to "play" to the particular audience their sponsors desire to impress.

I happen to believe that well over 3/4ths of the adults in this country are capable of ingesting FACTS and deriving their on conclusions about the FACTS without some "anchor" or "reporter" telling them what "all this means" ... ! If they want to hear an opinion, then have a special slot designated publicly for that purpose and leave the reporting of FACTS to the "news room."
NPR "de-legitimizes" itself with biased reporting, analysis, and general liberal ass licking.

If they weren't taxpayer financed, then the criticism could be chalked up to sour grapes. But PBS accepts taxpayer subsidies and they have an obligation to be neutral IMO.

The right is tired of asking for more balance out of PBS. Best to defund them. Let them be liberal on their own dime. In this day and age of information glut, we don't need a taxpayer financed news organization.
Faux news junkies are almost to the zombie state and PBS news scares the shit out of them.
  • Annef
  • 11-01-2012, 09:11 AM
There was a small study done where they broke listeners into categories of where they were most likely to get there news. NPR listeners were the most likely to get factual information correct. Fox news listners, the least likely. Can't remember where I read that, but I did. Just sayin.
markroxny's Avatar
If they weren't taxpayer financed, then the criticism could be chalked up to sour grapes. But PBS accepts taxpayer subsidies and they have an obligation to be neutral IMO.

The right is tired of asking for more balance out of PBS. Best to defund them. Let them be liberal on their own dime. In this day and age of information glut, we don't need a taxpayer financed news organization. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You know Whirl, I would actually agree with this except for one thing...PBS does SO MUCH MORE than just news.

Their educational programming, documentaries, music and concerts and science and historical programs are invaluable to this nation.

Take a look!
If PBS got out of the "news and commentary" business, then you might persuade me to continue public financing.

If PBS (NPR) got out of the "news and commentary" business, they wouldn't need public financing, private contributions would more than cover their costs !

And public financing includes the unaccounted for $$ millions PBS/NPR gets in public assistance on college campuses.

Pull the plug on ALL of it.