Lets try something different....

The election is just a few days away. This board is filled with posts where Romney supporters will post the slightest little thing in order to attack Obama and vice versa. I would like this post to be something different. I would like to see people post something about the candidate that they support that is either negative or just something they disagree with them on. Consider it more of a come up with reasons why you would choose someone else over "your guy."

Please try to keep it to just this topic and avoid attacking the views or name calling.

I think that this thread would be an excellent chance for some on here to show that they are capable of critically analyzing their candidate and admitting they have imperfections.
(crickets chirping)
Please try to keep it to just this topic and avoid attacking the views or name calling. Originally Posted by fetishfreak
There are two chances the above will happen.

Which do you prefer?

A) Slim
B) None
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Can we say something nice about the candidate we dont support?

If I may............Barack Obama's acne seems to be clearing up and he seems to have less hair growing out of his nose than before.
I opt out.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Something negative about my guy...okay, I got it! I'd rather jump Sarah Palin than either of them!
I am not surprised
I tried real hard to think of something positive about either candidates but came up empty.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Mikey, you're always puffing up Obama. We know you're an Obamaton.

But I'll do it. Gary Johnson comes to Libertarianism from a pragmatic point of view. He's not a "true believer" like Ron Paul. Dr. Paul is Libertarian because he truly believes in the Constitution. I'm sure Johnson does, too, but he will be more willing to bend to circumstances than Dr. Paul.
2d on jumping Sarah Palin.

The nicest thing I can say about President Obama is that he cannot help who he is or what he does. He is simply a product of his entire life up untill this moment.

The problem is he has fooled far too many people into believing that he is something else.
The idea was to say something negative about your guy. It was pointed at Obama/ Romney supporters.
  • Laz
  • 10-31-2012, 10:09 PM
I don't think Romney will be aggresive enough in balancing the budget.
Mikey, you're always puffing up Obama. We know you're an Obamaton.

But I'll do it. Gary Johnson comes to Libertarianism from a pragmatic point of view. He's not a "true believer" like Ron Paul. Dr. Paul is Libertarian because he truly believes in the Constitution. I'm sure Johnson does, too, but he will be more willing to bend to circumstances than Dr. Paul. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Grampey we know you are a died in the wool tea bagger and your memory is shot so you don't remember who I said I was voting for...